Discuss this statement in relation to normal homeostasis and the pathophysiological roles of these cells

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Microglia is dynamic cells that act as pathological sensors within the adult nervous system.Discuss this statement in relation to normal homeostasis and the pathophysiological roles of these cells?

In my essay I will be focussing on how resting microglial cells function as sensors and scan the tissue in the normal brain and how this microglia change in morphology and transform into activated microglia in response to injury. I will also focus on how these activated microglial cells respond to injury and the immune responses involved in clearing cellular debris, aid tissue repair by producing growth factors and engulf invading microorganisms. In the central nervous system, microglia were found to be the third glial cell type by Del Rio Hortega amongst all of the possible glial cell types (Tanaka et al, 2003). In 1932, Rio-Hortega described these microglia in silver carbonate stained brain preparation as consisting of long and branched processes. They are mesodermal, monocytic or ectodermal in origin (Lee et al, 2002). The brain, the spinal cord parenchyma and the CNS proper consists of microglias which are a group of cells related to monocytes and dendritic cells and are intrinsic immune cells. These groups of cells provide a first line of defence against neural infection. The microglia makes up 5-20% of all glial cells in the normal adult brain and is found uniformly in a scattered array.Microglial cells play an important role as immunocompetent and phagocytic cells in the CNS (Perry and Gordon, 1988; McGeer and McGeer, 1995).In the early stages of brain development, microglia demonstrate a macrophage-like morphology with a big cell body and short processes. These microglia are referred to “amoeboid microglia” and its essential function is to phagocytose dying cells, including neurons that have already undergone apoptosis during late embryonic to early postnatal stages (Nakajima et al, 2001).These cells also clear debris and dead cells for example degenerating axons and myelin and assist in the early recruitment of T cells following a minor injury(Raivich,2005).As the brain develops, the numbers of amoeboid microglia decline and become replaced by large numbers of ramified microglia.These ramified microglia consist of tiny cell bodies with long branched processes consisting of a tertiary and quaternary branch structure. Each branch can cover an area of 30-50µm wide in the brain and this never touches the other branches of surrounding sister cells. This complicated branching structure impairs the ability of microglia to survey the surrounding tissue. Ramified microglia are described as inactive and is associated with the resting phenotype and are usually called the ‘resting’ microglia.Although ‘resting’ microglia are not dormant, studies involving in vivo 2-photon microscopy in transgenic mice expressing the green fluorescent protein in the Cx3cr1 locus(which encodes CX3CR1,the chemokine receptor for CX3CL1) demonstrated enhanced motile microglial processes. Microglial processes are being continuously removed as well as mobile filopodium like protrusions and also microglial processes are being continuously replaced with de novo formation as shown by time lapse-imaging (Hanish et al, 2007).

This dynamic and careful reorganisation permits the ‘resting’ microglia to survey the brain parenchyma every few hours without causing disruptions in the fine wired neuronal structures. Since approximately 20% of the brain is extracellular space, the neural parenchyma is completely surveyed every few hours. When retraction of thick processes occurs in one cell, border zones between adjacent microglial cells were liable to change and cause alterations in favour of neighbouring microglial cells (Nimmerjahn et al, 2005).

When the processes of neighbouring cells meet each other, the endings of these projections repel each other.

The resting behaviour of the microglia has a ‘housekeeping’ function and these microglial cells regulate the microenvironment by removing the parenchyma of low diffusible metabolic substances and waste tissue products (Nimmerjahn et al, 2005).

 Hence the highly ramified resting microglia provides the brain with a very dynamic and proficient surveillance system. These microglial cells take turns to survey the brain parenchyma randomly without any contact and when microlesions are introduced in a site of injury, microglia are targeted towards this injury site. The targeted movement of the microglia relies on purinoreceptor stimulation and is assisted mainly by astrocytes (Hanish et al, 2007).

When the brain is in a healthy condition, the density of the microglial cells and its ramified morphology is maintained. Experiments have shown that ‘resting’ microglia which is mesodermal in origin is highly motile in the mature and uninjured adult brain (Nimmerjahn et al, 2005).This experiment used the CX3CR1::EGFP mice and this study used the brain microglia which expresses an enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) which is under control of the fractalkine receptor promoter (CX3CR1). In depth, time lapse series of fluorescence images were obtained using trans-cranial 2-photon laser scanning microscopy which reduces photodamage to living tissue. This is vital in the sense that microglia are the main sensors of pathology in the brain and damage to the brain will induce loss of the resting phenotype and cause secondary activation. The results demonstrated that the cell body of the resting microglia is stationary but regardless of this there seems to be continuous and enhanced motile extension and retraction of processes (Raivich, 2005). These processes derived from each branch order, ranging from primary to quaternary branches and above, with speeds of 1.2µm/min to 1.5µm/min and slightly rapid movement for tiny and transient processes of the branches. These microglial projections survey the extracellular environment randomly and at a high turnover rate of approximately 15% per hour (Raivich, 2005). Microglial cells consist of small rod shaped somata and from the somata, thin and ramified processes extend symmetrically. Time-lapse imaging experiments demonstrate that somata of microglial cells remain stationary with little evidence of migration (Nimmerjahn et al, 2005).

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Microglial processes consist of enhanced mobile filopodia like protrusions of different shapes, which form bulbous endings. There is continuous appearance of protrusions at various places along the main processes and at their terminal endings .The activity of these protrusions stops for a few minutes when there is further extension or retraction occurring.

There is evidence in the healthy brain microglia can interact with other cortical elements because the processes and protrusions of these microglial cells can directly contact astrocytes, neuronal cell bodies and blood vessels.

The severity of the injury determines the number of responding microglial cells Experiments show that ...

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