Establish the cytoplasm concentration of carrot cells.

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Biology Carrot Experiment

Aim: To establish the cytoplasm concentration of carrot cells.


  • Use a pipette to measure the different volumes of sucrose and distilled water into six test tubes (use different pipettes for water and sucrose solutions to avoid contamination). In the following ratios in order to get the correct concentrations correct.
  • Use a scalpel to cut 18 even-sized pieces of carrot approximately 10x5x5 millimetres in size.
  • Weigh three pieces of carrot then place them into one of the test tubes containing the sucrose solution and cover with Clingfilm.
  • Repeat this process for the six test tubes containing the sucrose solution
  •  Leave for as long as possible at least 48 hours.
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        My results show that in the sucrose concentrations 0-0.38 water entered the carrot cells from the surrounding sucrose solution. During this period the carrot cell cytoplasm has a lower water potential than the surrounding solution; subsequently water particles diffused through the partially permeable membrane of the carrot cells along the diffusion gradient in to the cells resulting in a mass increase.  

        At the point (0, 0.38) the carrot maintained a constant mass as the water potential of the two solutions were the same and therefore isotonic. ...

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