Evaluation of a Catalyse Experiment.

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Evaluation of a Catalyse Experiment


In my own findings, an anomaly has occurred, as at 60 degrees, the height of froth decreased to –3mm and then increased to 2mm. This is an anomalie as usually the graph should start moving up gradually and then decrease and stay. In addition, a pattern is shown on the class’ average data as the graph starts at 41mm at zero degrees, increases to an optimum point of 40 degrees and then decreases to 80.

Therefore, it is seen that the class averages are more accurate as it has been repeated eight times making it more reliable. It is also more reliable as it doesn’t appear to have any ‘outrageous’ points of data as mine did.

This graph shows an outline of what the height of froth proportional to the temperature should look like.

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Scientific Research

The rate of an enzyme reaction is measured by the amount of substrate changed or the amount of product formed during a period of time. When the temperature is low (5-30 degrees), increasing the temperature provides heat energy, therefore increasing the amount of kinetic energy resulting in the molecules moving faster making more collisions and so producing a faster reaction between the substrate and the active site. This also then produces more enzyme-substrate complexes forming more products.

However, as the temperature increases to above 40 degrees (near enough its ...

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