Excretion and the functioning of the kidneys

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        Excretion is the removal of metabolic waste from the cells.  Metabolic waste is the unwanted material that is formed as a result of the bodies metabolism.  That is the large number of chemical reactions that occur in the cells, tissues and organs.  The waste products of metabolism are frequently toxic and so must be removed from the body.

Deamination and Urea Synthesis

        In the liver deamination is the process which breaks down excess amino acids in to ammonia and keto acids.  Ammonia is still very toxic so it is converted to urea by the process called urea synthesis.  Urea is less toxic than ammonia and so can travel in the blood, but it must be got rid of quickly because it can still have ill effects.  Urea is then transported by the blood from the liver to the Kidneys where it forms part of urine.

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The Kidney

        The Kidney has two main functions, it removes metabolic waste from the body through the process of excretion and it regulates the water and ion content in the blood.  The excretion is of a dilute solution called urine which contains urea, mineral ions, water and other foreign chemicals from the blood.  The two kidneys have a very extensive blood supply and the whole blood supply passes through the kidneys every five minutes ensuring that the waste materials don’t build up.  The renal artery carries blood to the kidneys and the renal vein carries blood away from the kidneys. ...

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