Experiment investigating hydrogen bonding in different chemicals.

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Tsuen Wan Public Ho Chuen Yiu Memorial College

Form 6 Chemistry Practical

Experiment 8: Hydrogen Bonding

Date of experiment: 27-1-2011


  1. To discover the existence of hydrogen bonds between ethanol molecules
  2. To measure the strength of hydrogen bond formed between ethanol molecules
  3. To investigate the formation of hydrogen bonds between molecules of ethyl ethanoate and trichloromethane
  4. To measure the strength of hydrogen bonds formed between molecules of ethyl ethanoate and trichloromethane

A hydrogen bond is the attractive interaction of a  atom with an  atom, such as ,  or , that comes from another molecule or . The hydrogen must be covalently bonded to another electronegative atom to create the bond. These bonds can occur between molecules, or within different parts of a single molecule. The hydrogen bond (5 to 30 kJ/mol) is stronger than a , but weaker than  or . This type of bond occurs in both inorganic molecules such as water and  such as DNA.
 Intermolecular hydrogen bonding is responsible for the high boiling point of
 (100 °C) compared to the other   that have no hydrogen bonds. Intramolecular hydrogen bonding is partly responsible for the , , and  of  and . It also plays an important role in the structure of , both synthetic and natural.
 Breaking or formation of intermolecular hydrogen bonds between molecules in liquids would cause an enthalpy change when the liquids are mixed. In this experiment, we are going to investigate such enthalpy changes and to measure approximate strengths of hydrogen bonds formed between molecules of ethanol and those between molecules of trichloromethane and ethyl ethanoate using simple calorimetric methods.
  For instance, in parts A and B, ethanol contains OH group which can form hydrogen bond among its molecules but cyclohexane does not. On mixing, cyclohexane will break the hydrogen bond among ethanol molecules. Breakage of hydrogen bond consumes energy thus the temperature lowers and hydrogen bond strength of ethanol can hence be calculated.

Ethanol, ethyl ethanoate, trichloromethane (chloroform), cyclohexane

Measuring cylinders, cotton wool, thermometer, beaker

Experimental set-up

Safety Precautions

Ethanol is harmful and highly flammable. Contact with the eyes can cause considerable irritation.
Cyclohexane is very flammable. It must not be flushed down a sink as it is both an environmental hazard and a serious fire risk.
Ethyl ethanoate is highly flammable.
Chloroform is toxic. Chloroform is harmful if you breathe it in. At high concentrations inhalation may be fatal.
-Wear safety goggles. Ensure that no sources of ignition, such as a gas flame, hot plate or hot air gun, are present in the working area. Check that ventilation is good; use a fume cupboard if possible.

A. To discover the existence of hydrogen bonds between ethanol molecules
1. 10cm
3 of ethanol was measured using a measuring cylinder and poured into an insulated 50cm3 beaker
2. The temperature of ethanol was measured using a thermometer.
3. 10cm
3 of cyclohexane was added to the ethanol in the beaker and mixed well.
4. The lowest temperature of the mixture was measured using a thermometer.

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B. To measure the strength of hydrogen bond formed between ethanol molecules
The same steps in part A were repeated using same volume of ethanol but 20cm3 and 30cm3 of cyclohexane respectively.

C. To investigate the formation of hydrogen bonds between molecules of ethyl ethanoate and trichloromethane
1. 10cm3 of ethyl ethanoate was measured using a measuring cylinder and poured into an insulated 50cm3 beaker
2. The temperature of ethyl ethanoate was measured using a thermometer.
3. 10cm
3 of trichloromethane was added to the ethanol in the beaker and mixed well.
4. The highest temperature of the mixture was measured using a thermometer.

D. To measure the strength of hydrogen ...

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This is a well through out and explained report. The calculations are correct and of a high standard. The conclusions drawn are valid and concise. Overall, this piece of work is 5 stars out of 5.