Explain What Is Meant By The Human Genome Project And Outline Some Of The Legal, Social, Spiritual, Ethical And Moral Issues It Raises.

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Explain What Is Meant By The Human Genome Project And Outline Some Of The Legal, Social, Spiritual, Ethical And Moral Issues It Raises.

A gene is a length of DNA that codes for a protein, and the word genome means all the genes that are present in an organism. The Human Genome Project was set up in 1990 in order to establish the entire gene sequence of a Human. It was an international project headed by James Watson, Watson had earlier helped determine the structure of DNA. The original predicted finishing date was by 2010, but by spreading the work load throughout different countries, several advancements in the techniques of decoding DNA and private funding from drug companies the project has already been finished. The hope that with a better understanding of our genome, it would be easier to treat genetic disorders, was one of the major driving forces behind the project. But not necessarily for the patients but more for the drug companies who saw great opportunities with the code. This is because in return for sponsorship they were allowed to patent part of the genome, they saw this as a source of great income. Because with the knowledge and rights to the DNA code they could replicate some naturally occurring drugs, e.g. insulin, which are very expensive to produce otherwise.

The legal problem here is whether or not it is right for a company to 'own' the 'recipe' for humans. In effect, every time that insulin, or anything else that's code is 'owned' by a company, is reproduced then you are breaking copyright laws, this is obviously ridiculous, and these patents are sure to be declared void sometime in the near future. Should a company own part of the human genome, the code for life? This is just one issue raised by this project.
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An ethical and moral issue is that with the whole genome mapped it could possible to pick and choose most characteristics for your children using germ cell gene therapy when they are single cells - a fertilised egg. The plus points with this are that you would be able to dispose of genetic disorders by replacing 'faulty' alleles, but the 'buzz' word at the moment is designer babies. This simply means designing your baby to your specification, e.g. hair colour, eye colour, sex etc. One problem with this is that it would be a very expensive procedure, and ...

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