Factors affecting the rate of respiration in immobilised yeast.

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Jaysukh Kerai 10V - SC1 Science Investigation Report - 02/02/03

Title of investigation:

Factors affecting the rate of respiration in immobilised yeast.

Input Variable to be investigated:

The input variable that I will be investigating is the temperature.

Variables to be controlled:

The fixed volume, concentration of the glucose solution will have to be sustained throughout the entire investigation in order to maintain a fair test. The number and the size of the beads will also have to be kept the same, although it (size) may vary slightly, it should not have a major impact on the results.


I predict that the rate of respiration in immobilised yeast will increase with the temperature, until a particular temperature has been reached. I anticipate that as the temperature doubles, the rate of respiration will also double; that is to say that the temperature is precisely proportional to the rate of respiration. The yeast balls will respire and in effect rise, this makes this experiment an anaerobic respiration one.

Scientific reason to explain prediction:

All enzymes have an optimum temperature as to when they actually operate best. Yeast cells are not an exception; they convert glucose into carbon dioxide and alcohol plus energy by the use of the enzyme zymase. Enzymes are actually catalysts, which speed up reactions. These yeast cells undertake the conversion by performing anaerobic respiration. Incidentally, another name for this process is fermentation. This means that the rate at which these enzymes operate is likely to be constant until a certain temperature is reached. Furthermore, most enzymes denature within roughly 45°C, the optimum temperature will probably be around 37°C - 40°C (body temperature). The yeast balls will respire and in effect rise because the glucose solution will diffuse through the thin layer of jelly into the yeast cell, then the yeast balls will release carbon dioxide.

Risk Assessment:

* Wear safety glasses at all times during experiment

* Make sure lab coat is fastened

* Be careful and cautious when handling hot water

* Make sure bags or any other safety hazards are not in the way when carrying something.

* Be careful and cautious when pouring hot water from a kettle

Word and Symbol Equations:

Aerobic respiration:-

Glucose + Oxygen Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy

C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H20 + Energy
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Anaerobic respiration:-

Glucose Carbon Dioxide + Ethanol + Energy

C6H12O6 2CO2 + 2C2H5OH + Energy


Equipment List-

> Boiling Tube - to contain the 30 cm3 of 5% Glucose solution

> Thermometer

> Large Beaker - to act as a water bath

> 30 cm3 of 5% Glucose solution

> Rack - to hold the pre ready glucose solution

> Stopwatch - to record the time taken for each ball to rise

> Kettle - to heat up the water

> 5 immobilised yeast balls

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