Fertiliers organ Vs inorganic

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Fertiliers organ Vs inorganic

To make sure we use our land efficiently to get as much growth from it as we can, we have chemicals such as pesticides and fertilizers to make sure farmers harvest a maximum yield each year, but how much do we know about these chemicals?

There are two main types of fertilizers, organic and inorganic. Organic fertilizers are organic materials, mainly made of animal and plant wastes. Inorganic fertilizers are concentrated source of macronutrients. They are usually in powdered form, which can be added directly into the field.

First of all, let us consider the advantages of using organic fertilizers. Organic materials can be made by farmers themselves as they can be produced from waste materials from cattle, i.e. from cow manure. Sometimes, farmers can fertile their land by having a mixed farm (gazing animals and growing crop at the same land). Animal waste can be applied to plant crops, making soil more fertile. This can also save farmers money to purchase chemical fertilizers elsewhere.

Unlike inorganic fertilizers, organic fertilizers do not damage soil structure; they can help to reduce soil erosion by improving the soil structure such as the water-holding properties. Improving the water–holding capacity of the soil also gives a distinct advantage to areas that have arid climates.

As a result of improving the soil structure of lands, it decreases the probability of desertification. Using organic materials also gives advantages to areas that have relatively cold climate, as organic fertilizer can generate heat and are therefore able to warm up cold lands, increase the growth rate of crops.

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Farmers often have problems with over fertilization when using fertilizers. With organic materials, the probability of this is far less as the concentrations of nutrients in organic materials are relatively low in comparison to inorganic fertilizers.

Organic fertilizers provide a slow release of nutrients to plants, as micro-organisms need to break down the organic material, making the nutrients into inorganic, water soluble form before plant can absorb it. As a result, it decreases the probability of excess fertilizers leaching out of the soil and contaminating nearby water resources.  

However, there is a negative side to ...

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