Follicular development

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The anterior pituitary of the hypothalamus, in mammals and most lower vertebrae species, consist of cells called gonadotrophs. These cells normally secrete only luteinising hormone (LH) or follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), but some cells may secrete both types of hormones. LH and FSH act on the gonads; the testes in males and the ovaries in females, and so are called gonadotropins. These gonadotropins act in an endocrine manner to control follicular growth in females (Richards et al, 2002). FSH, also known as follitropin, stimulates the ovarian follicles and induces follicular maturation together with oestrogen and progesterone synthesis. In males, FSH plays a critical role in spermatogenesis, as it helps the functioning of Sertoli cells and stimulates the epithelial tissue of the seminiferous tubules, which are important in sperm cell maturation. The secretion of FSH from the gonadotrophs is controlled by gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which stimulates the gland as well many other factors discussed in this essay. FSH action occurs mainly via the cAMP-mediated signaling pathway, but may also involve other signal transduction pathways. The function and control of FSH will be discussed in detail with reference to follicular development.

In structure, LH and FSH are very similar, as they are both large, heterodimeric glycoproteins consisting of identical α subunits and a specific β subunit each, in which the latter allows the hormone to specifically bind to receptors. Human FSH is composed of two non-covalently linked subunits, α and β, which are products of different genes and consist of 92 amino acids and 111 amino acids, respectively. Each subunit has two N-linked glycosylation sites, which are essential for expression of FSH bioactivity in vivo. The association of the α- and β-subunits form such a conformation that gives a high-affinity interaction with FSH receptors. The α- and β-subunits are non-covalently linked, but both consist of intra-molecular disulfide bonds. These disulfide bonds are essential for the formation of the FSH heterodimer structure. In the β-subunit, at the C-terminal region, receptor binding sites have been found within the 93-99 amino acid sequence, which allow specific binding to FSH receptors.

FSH receptors belong to a subfamily of G-protein-coupled receptors, which are only expressed in granulosa cells, but a recent study has suggested that there may be presence of FSH receptors in oocytes (Méduri et al, 2002). These receptors consist of a large extracellular domain composed of more than 300 amino acid residues, which provide specific binding sites for specific FSHβ subunits. The extracellular domain is connected to the 7 transmembrane segment, which provides anchoring to the cell membrane (Fig. 1). Its intracellular C-terminal tail allows many of the signaling pathways to take place. The expression of FSH-receptors can be controlled by in vitro and in vivo mechanisms. The concentration of FSH, in vivo, regulates FSH-receptor expression, such that a low level of FSH up-regulates FSH receptor binding sites and mRNA, whereas, high levels of FSH leads to a decrease in the number of FSH-receptors (Tilly et al, 1992).      

Fig 1. A schematic model of the FSH-receptor. (Endocrine Reviews 1997).


During embryonic development premeiotic germ cells, oogonia, increase in number by mitotic activity and so by the 20th week gestation, a female fetal ovary consists of about 6-7 million oogonia. During mid-gestation, the oogonia begin to die by an irreversible process known as atresia. At the time of birth, 80% of the initial number of oocytes has been lost, with only 1 million oocytes present in the ovaries. This number decreases continuously throughout the female life and by puberty about 500,000 oocytes remain in the ovaries, of which only 400-500 of them will proceed to ovulation. At the age of 50 years, when women enter menopause, there will be no more oocytes left.

Oogonia differentiate into primary oocytes as they undergo the first meiotic division in the late fetal development phase. They then enter a resting state at the diplotene stage of meiosis I, where they remain until induced by intra- and extra-ovarian factors, which regulate the growth of oocytes. It is suggested that intra-ovarian growth regulatory factors, which include IGF1 (insulin-like growth factor-1), steroids, TGF-β (transforming growth factor-β) family members (e.g. inhibin, activin, and bone morphogenic proteins) and the wnts/Frizzled family (Richards et al, 2002), induce follicular growth by autocrine, paracrine, and intracrine mechanisms. Single layers of flattened pregranulosa cells, which later differentiate into cuboidal granulosa cells, surround primary oocytes. This forms the primordial follicle, which provides support to the oocytes.

Primary oocytes differentiate into primordial follicles as they enter into the growth phase, throughout the reproductive life span. In response to the reproductive hormones, FSH and LH, granulosa cells increase in size and proliferate, forming a basement membrane outside the granulosa-oocyte complex, together with the formation of the zona pellucida around the oocyte. The formation of the zona pellucida remains unknown, as to whether it is secreted by the oocyte, or the granulosa cells, or both. The proliferation of the granulosa cells causes the single layer surrounding the oocyte to develop into many layers, forming the secondary follicle, which now also consists of an outer layer of cells called the theca layer. These secondary follicles consist of a few arterioles, lying outside the basement membrane, supplying circulating factors from the bloodstream to the follicles, which assist in the


Fig 2. Illustration of follicular development. (Encyclopedia of Reproduction 1999)

development of the follicles. As the secondary follicles continue to grow, the theca layer is divided into two types of cells; theca interna and externa, in which the cells of the former differentiate, becoming epitheloid in shape and consist of steroid-secreting organelles. These cells secrete androgens, which are required for the production of oestrogen. Oestrogen acts in the follicles and the endometrial layer of the uterus, inducing the proliferation of granulosa cells and preparing the female reproductive tract for implantation. The cells of the theca externa remain as the original spindle shape and lie outside the theca interna (Fig. 2).

At the same time, FSH and LH stimulate the accumulation of fluid into the follicle, forming an antrum, which is now called the tertiary or antral follicle. As the antral follicle develops into the Graafian follicle, the granulosa cells, in direct contact with the oocyte, form an individual surrounding containing the oocyte and a stalk-like structure, called the cumulus oophorus, which connects the oocyte to the antral granulosa cells of the follicle. The follicle continues to grow and differentiate until it reaches a stage where higher level of FSH and LH are required for further growth. Follicles that do not have a proper hormone balance apoptosise and die by atresia. Only one dominant follicle is able to proceed to ovulation, because inhibin, secreted by the dominant follicle, inhibits the growth and development of the other follicles. Throughout life, oocytes are constantly leaving the resting state to continue their development, but once outside the resting pool, they have two options, in which they have to continue growth until ovulation or stop growing and die by atresia. The dominant follicle which has a constant balance of the hormones, FSH and LH, throughout its development, undergoes ovulation. In response to the FSH and LH surge at ovulation, these follicles continue their growth and differentiation.

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Growth of the ovarian follicle occurs at different rates and is divided into 3 stages: preantral growth, tonic growth, and exponential growth. The preantral growth phase involves the differentiation of the primordial follicles into primary follicles, which then form the preantral follicles. The preantral follicles, over an estimated period of 2 months in humans, develop into small antral follicles (2-5mm in diameter), which is known as the tonic growth phase. The exponential growth phase, lasting 21 days, occurs when the small antral follicles develop into large and mature ovulatory follicles. These ovulatory follicles compete for dominance, such that follicles with ...

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