Genetic disorders: Apert syndrome. Introduction Genetic disorders, refers to a medical condition which has resulted from a mutation

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Genetic disorders: Apert syndrome

Genetic disorders: Apert syndrome.


Genetic disorders, refers to a medical condition which has resulted from a mutation to a gene or a set of genes. This causes a change in the DNA sequence. Making a normal gene change, its behaviour, causing a genetic disorder.

        When considering genetic disorders four areas need to be considered, chromosome abnormalities, multifactarial disorders, single gene disorders and mitochondrial disorders. Chromosome abnormality will have either, a whole chromosome, or a single segment is missing, or is altered in some way or it is duplicated. This can occur to one or more of the 46 of the Human chromosomes, which 23 genes coming from each parent; this is made up of 46 autosomes and two sex chromosomes.  Single gene disorders, occur when there is a mutation to a protein product of the cell, the gene is either altered or missing. Multifactoral genes abnormally, are when there is a mutation in multiple genes, the final one is mitochondrial disorders, are very rare, and the mutations occur in the mitochondrial DNA, which is inherited from the mother.

        Apert syndrome is the result of a genetic mutation, which can be inherited or the result of a random mutation. Apert syndrome affects around 1 person in 200,000 live births. It is more septable to children of older fathers.

 Apert syndrome, is a chromosome abnormality, were part of chromosome ten has been altered. This causes a craniofacial condition, which is called craniofacial dysostosis syndrome of which Apert syndrome is a subunit of.

        Apert syndrome was first described by Eugene Apert, in the early 1900’s. E.Apert described Apert syndrome as having a number of features, which include problems with the cranium, face and limbs. Due to the areas it effects it is classified as acrocephalosydactyly type one. The features of acrocephalosydactyly, or craniosynostosis, mid face hyperplasia, exarbitism and syndactyly. The most important feature is the abnormality of growth in the different areas of the skull and face, which requires surgery to correct, but this doesn’t re-establish growth, at a normal rate, but dose provide space for the brain to grow.

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Apert syndrome.

        Apert syndrome is a condition, were the person has abnormal growth of the skull and face. This is because of a mutation of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptor 2 (FGFR2). The mutation of this gene results in a craniofacial problems, and what separates Apert syndrome from the other craniofacial syndromes is syndactyly of the limbs. Syndactyly is the fusion of the soft tissues, of the fingers and toes. The level of syndactyly can very, from the fusion of the three digits, to complete fusion of the bones and nails of all five digits. There ...

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