How ATP is produced in both the chloroplast and mitochondria.

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28/04/07                Tom Clements

How ATP is produced in both the chloroplast and mitochondria


Living organisms use it as a free-energy donor to supply free energy for three major purposes: muscular contraction and other cellular movements, the active transport of molecules and ions, and the synthesis of proteins.

ATP is not a long-term storage form of energy - is an immediate donor of energy.  Most ATP is consumed within a minute ofbeing produced. The turnover of ATP is very high



ATP Generation in Mitochondria and Chloroplasts:

        ATP generation is driven by the electrochemical gradient of protons (the proton motive force) that exists in both mitochondria and chloroplasts.  However, the mechanisms in each organelle are different when compared in detail, as will be considered later.

        In both chloroplasts and mitochondria the driving force behind ATP synthesis is the proton motive force that exists between two cellular compartments.  This force is produced by the electrochemical gradient for H+ across the membrane dividing the two compartments, which is impermeable to protons.  The proton motive force depends on the difference in pH (i.e. the concentration of H+) between these two compartments, and the membrane potential of the membrane separating them.  In one compartment the concentration of H+ and of positive charge is high, in the other the concentration of H+ is low and the membrane is negatively charged. As the protons move down the electrochemical gradient (from the region of high concentration and charge to low concentration) free energy is produced.  Proteins in the membrane can use this energy to drive the synthesis of ATP and the transport of ions and metabolites into the matrix.  ATP synthesis is catalysed by a protein called the F0F1ATPSynthase, with the flux of proteins through the F0 subunit promoting the release of ATP from the active site on the F1 subunit.  This mechanism was first proposed by Mitchell in 1961, and was called the chemiosmotic hypothesis.

        The electrochemical gradient that drives ATP synthesis can be produced by the photolysis of water (in chloroplasts only) or by the energetically favourable oxidation of the highly reduced compound NADH (and FADH2).  This can be expressed by the following equation:

        2NADH + O2 + 2H+  2NAD+ + 2H2O                        ΔEo=1.14V

        Which can be broken down into the following half-equations:

        NADH  NAD+ + H+ + 2e- 

        O2 + 4H+ + 4e-  2H2O

        The potential difference between NADH and oxygen is very high (1.14V) because the electrons in NADH (and FADH2) have a high transfer potential, whilst oxygen has a high affinity for electrons (a high redox potential shows that the reaction is heavily oxidising).  This produces a large thermodynamic driving force, which drives the movement of electrons through the electron transport chain (ETC) (Stryer (1995)).  As the electrons move through the ETC they are used to reduce successive electron carriers, which are oxidised when they move on (redox reactions), until they are passed on to oxygen.  The electron carriers are redox pairs, like NADH and NAD+; for example cytochrome b contains iron at different oxidation states.  As the electrons reduce and then oxidise successive electron carriers free energy is released in a series of discrete steps.  The liberation of free energy is therefore controlled so that it is produced in small quantities sufficient to drive the proton pumps, which set up the electrochemical gradient.  If the liberation of free energy were not controlled in this way then it would be produced all at one time, mainly as heat, and so the process would be very inefficient.  The energetics of electron transfer (the redox potentials of the electron carriers) depends on the microenvironment (where the ions are); hence the same redox couple can produce different amounts of free energy in different microenvironments (e.g. Fe3+/Fe2+).  Therefore, different numbers of protons can be pumped across the membrane by ETC in different environments (e.g. in mitochondria or chloroplasts).  Eventually low energy electrons are passed back to H+ and are used to reduce oxygen to water.

In this manner, the electron transfer potential of compounds like NADH is converted into the proton motive force, which drives ATP synthesis, storing the electron-motive force in the phosphoryl potential in ATP.  

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        In mitochondria the ETC is located in the inner mitochondrial membrane and it pumps protons from the mitochondrial matrix into the intermembrane space between the inner and outer mitochondrial membranes.  These therefore are the two cellular compartments mentioned above.  This creates an electrochemical gradient between the intermembrane space and the mitochondrial matrix, which drives ATP synthesis.  ATP synthase and the mitochondrial ETC are located on the inner membrane, which is highly folded into a series of ridges called cristae to increase the surface area.  Figure 1 shows a mitochondrial ETC.  It consists of three protein complexes – ...

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