How do you make Electro-Magnets Stronger?

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How do you make Electro-Magnets Stronger?


When a current passes through a circuit it creates 2 things: Heat and a magnetic field. All things electrical create a magnetic field; this field surrounds all electrical objects in a circle like way. The magnetic field then makes the circuit/object turn into an electromagnet. An Electromagnet is something that acts like a magnet when electricity passes through it. This investigation is trying to find out how to make an electromagnet stronger and more powerful.

Compared to a permanent magnet, an electro-magnet has the advantage that it can be switched on and off. However it has the disadvantage that it requires power. They have many different uses. Some of which are listed below

. The crane in a scrap yard

2. Hospitals: to remove metal (iron, Cobalt, Nickel or alloys with these metals in) splinters.
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3. Electromagnetic relay. A relay is something which changes a current form Big to Small, or Visa Versa

4. Doors in Banks/Jewellers


The different variables that can affect an Electromagnets field are:

* Is the wire coiled (solenoid)

* Number of coils in a wire

* Different voltages

* Is there an magnetic substance

* Tightness (density) of the coils

I will look at the number of coils and different voltages


I think that an Electromagnet will be stronger if the wire is coiled round ...

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