How does temperature affect the rate of reaction between yeast and hydrogen peroxide?

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How does temperature affect the rate of

Reaction between yeast and

Hydrogen peroxide?


In this investigation I am going to investigate the reaction between hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)

And yeast ().

        In all living cells they all contain an enzyme called Catalase. In this investigation this breaks down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen.

2H2O22                 Catalase                 2H2O+O2

This investigation will be about how the reaction is affected by different temperatures.

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All of these factors could affect my investigation results these are:

  • Temperature
  • Concentration of the hydrogen peroxide.
  • Volume of yeast.
  • Volume of hydrogen peroxide
  • Blockers: this is where a competitive inhibitor goes into the active site of the enzyme thereby preventing the substrate from binding with the enzyme.
  • Its pH

My chosen factor:

The factor which I have chosen to do is the different temperatures which I react the two chemicals together.


        I think that the higher the temperature is the faster the reaction will take place also the troth will get bigger ...

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