How does the length of a conductor affect the current flowing through it?

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How does the length of a conductor affect the current flowing through it?

   An investigation to show how the length of a conductor effects the current flowing through it


   During my science lessons I have learnt the following information that has enabled me to plan my investigation. With further research I have been able to extend the information to a higher level.  

Atomic structure

   Atoms are everywhere; in our house in our neighbourhood in fact the whole universe consists of atoms. Anything and everything is made up of atoms.

The structure of an atom contains various different parts, they all have different properties. An atom is the smallest unit into which matter can be divided without charged particles released. All elements contain one single type of atom.

An atom has three main parts, which define its state (positive, negative or neutral).


   Protons are the positive part of the atom they are in the nucleus of an atom and together with neutrons make most of the mass of the atom. A proton is a stable subatomic particle. Protons have the property of which they cannot be taken away or added to other protons in any other atoms and therefore the number of protons in an atom will always stay the same within an atom.


  One of the ingredient particles of every atomic nucleus, Protons and neutrons constitute more than 99.9 percent of an atom’s mass. These two types of nuclear particles, commonly called nucleons, interact through the so-called strong force and bond in various proportions to form the different atomic kind of the chemical elements. A neutron has no charge and attracts protons.


  The electron is principally the lightest part of the atom, it carries a negative charge which is considered to be the basic charge of electricity; electrons are carried in the shell of an atom (around the nucleus of an atom). Electrons have an orbital path around the nucleus, within any given atom the electrons move in an orbital pattern these orbits are arranged into concentric shells proceeding outward from the nucleus with an increasing number of sub- shells.  



   A neutral atom has equal protons and neutrons but if you take away or add electrons it becomes what is known as an ion - a charged atom. Positively charged ions are called cations and negatively charged ions are called anions, the number of electrons in a neutral atom is identical to the number positive charges on the nucleus and as a positive ion would attract a negative ion and a negative would attract a positive ion neutral atom attracts both positive and negatively charged particles. In a conductor the atoms are tightly packed together but the outer most electrons in the atom shell don’t know which atom nucleus they belong to. A conductor cloud of electrons floating through the structure therefore a conductor is able to carry electrical energy when connected to a circuit. 

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    In an insulator the atoms are arranged much further apart so the outer most electrons know the nucleus they are attracted to and therefore are not available for carrying electrical energy. The static charges that exist when two objects rub against each other cause the transfer of electrons. The object that gains electrons becomes charged negatively while the object that loses electrons becomes positively charged. Insulators keep this charge but conductors quickly loose them as is passes through them and to earth.  

  When two insulators are rubbed together, electrons from one of the insulators ...

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