How Does the pH of a Solution Affect the Rate of Starch Digestion By Diastase

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How Does the pH of a Solution Affect the Rate of Starch Digestion by Diastase


This investigation was designed to show the effect of pH on the activity of enzymes. I did this by making buffered 1% starch solutions and 2.5% diastase enzyme solutions and mixing 25 cm3 of both solution to each other and testing if the starch was broken down into maltose every 30 seconds. The experimental procedures were repeated 3 times for a range of 5 pH’s of pH 3.45, pH 4.35, pH 6.27, pH 7.17 and pH 9.22. This plan worked and was very easy to prepare and implement. The enzyme used showed positive results and gave some unexpected results in respect to the research that I have done about the diastase group of enzymes.


I am going to perform experiments to determine the optimum pH for the digestion of starch by the enzyme diastase and I will be measuring the time it takes the enzyme to digest the starch solution.

Preliminary Work:

I tested a wide range of pH’s in my preliminary work. I started by testing buffered solutions at pH 1, pH 3, Ph 5, pH 7, pH9 and pH 12. This gave me a rough idea of where my enzyme was going to be active. After analysing my data I decided that pH’s 3 and 9 were going to set the extremes to my range or different pH’s. I decided to add pH 6 to my solutions to give a more rounded result and replace pH 5 by pH 4.

When I was at the preliminary stage of my experimental procedures I used a data logger that contained a pH meter that could only give me approximate values of the pH’s that I was measuring. It could not tell me what the exact pH is or any decimal places. I later then used a more accurate data logger that could measure pH’s accurately to 2 decimal places in my actual experiment.

I also changed the time that took my samples at; I started off taking a sample every 60 seconds where I changed this measurement to 30 seconds when I did my actual experiment. The time scale was too wide for me to make any clear conclusions about the effectiveness of the pH difference on the enzyme’s effectiveness.

What is Starch?

Starch is a complex carbohydrate which is made up of a combination of two different types of polysaccharides, they are amylase and amylopectin. The ratio of amylase to amylopectin in starch is usually 25:75 respectively. Starches are normally insoluble in water although it is possible to obtain starch powder that is soluble in hot water. Starch has a standard formula of (C6H10O5)n and can often be found in seeds, tubers of plants like potato, fruits. It can also be found in rhizomes.

Starches can be digested by the process of hydrolysis by a group of enzymes called diastases. Diastases can break the glycocidic bonds in the polysaccharide which occur between glucose molecules, although this is usually only between the α-1,4 glycocidic bonds found in amylase. Amylase is made up of 200-1,500 glucose molecules arranged in a straight chain that forms a helix. [1][3][4][5][6]

What are Enzymes?

Most enzymes are special proteins that speed up chemical reactions in living cells; they are sometimes referred to as organic catalysts. If it wasn’t for enzymes, chemical reactions in living cells would react too slowly and that would mean that the organisms wouldn’t be able to sustain life.


The reason the enzymes are essential is because enzymes lower the activation energy for chemical reactions to happen which break much needed nutrients down into more soluble molecules so they can be absorbed into the blood stream through the lining of the small intestine.

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Enzyme activity can be affected by various aspects like other chemicals, pH and temperature. They can be deformed by the heat and other chemicals change to change their active site so they will not be able to work properly and catalyse chemical reactions properly, this can lead to malnutrition in living organisms. pH can affect the enzymes by deforming the enzyme in such a way that the chemical properties of the enzyme are changed. Most of these deformations are irreversible and that means they can cause serious deformities to the mental and physical state of the living organism and ...

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*** The background theory and account of the preliminary experiment are mostly very good quality. However, there is little discussion of variables and data presentation could be improved.