How long does it take for the action of the enzyme 'amylase' (a type of carbohydrate) to break down the carbohydrate 'starch'?

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Enzyme investigation                                                        by Alice Turner

        How long does it take for the action of the enzyme ‘amylase’ (a type of carbohydrate) to break down the carbohydrate ‘starch’?

Factors which may affect results:

  • Increase in temperature could change time taken for starch molecules to be broken up.
  • Quantity of enzyme: the more enzyme, the faster the starch will be broken up (the quicker the reaction).
  • Quantity of starch: the larger the quantity of starch, the more time it will take to be broken up.
  • The amount of times the procedure is repeated, resulting in fairer, more reliable results.

Factor to be investigated:

        The temperature factor will be investigated. This will indicate whether by increasing the temp, or decreasing the temp, will have any effect on the speed at which the starch is broken down by the enzyme.

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        It is expected that as the temperature increases, starch molecules will be broken down more quickly. However, the temp may reach a point the enzyme de-natures, or stops working. This can be expected to be above 37.5ºC. (At this temp enzymes and other biological materials may become damaged/ destroyed). The activation site may become wobble-like, and unusable, so stopping starch molecules from being broken up (see diagram).

        But why does increasing the heat up to 37.5ºC decrease the time taken for starch molecules to be broken down?

        It is expected that as the starch molecules and the activation ...

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*** This is a good overview of the investigation but there are several places where the inclusion of more detail would improve its quality. The author should try to use specific and correct scientific terminology more often.