How the angle of a solar cell affects its output.

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How the angle of a solar cell affects its output


The aim of the experiment is to investigate the relationship between the angles of a solar cell from its light source to the output of the solar cell. I will be able to see how the relationship changes (if there is a change) by the results which I record.


The equipment which I will require to carry out my experiment are:

A solar cell

A multimeter

A light source

These are the things which I will need to carry out the experiment but I will also need equipment make sure the experiment is accurate, these are:

A clamp side with clamp, a piece of wood and blue tack, this will act as a stand on which my solar cell will be placed. The clamp stand and clamp will hold the piece of flat wood in a fixed position, to which the solar cell will be blue tacked into position, this will keep the cell firm and steady. A ruler will also be used to measure the distance of the solar cell from the light source. And a protractor will be used to measure the angle at which the solar cell is placed



In order to carry out this experiment in a safe way I will have to consider a few safety issues. I will have to be careful while working around the light. Because once the light has been switched on and left of a period of time the filament within the light bulb will start to heat up (because of the resistance) and will therefore heat up the glass casing. This will mean I will have to take care not to burn myself. I will also follow the rules of the laboratory and with these precautions I should be safe while carrying out the experiment.

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Before I started to plan my experiment I did some research into the subject to decide what the best way was to carry out my experiment. I was given a choice of two experiments to choose from. One was to see how the intensity of the light affected the power output of the solar cell. However I chose to test how the angle of the solar cell to its light source affects the power output of the solar cell, so the only thing in my experiment that will change will be the angle of the solar cell and ...

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