Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) an Enzymes Investigation

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Philip Bradley                Page                                                       Biology Coursework        


Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a toxic, oxidation agent produced during chemical reactions in the body of most living organisms. Examples of reactions are the oxidation of fatty acids and respiration in plants. To combat this, the body also makes the intoxicating enzyme, catalase, which quickly breaks down this chemical into the undisruptive, constructive, and disposable oxygen and water. The enzyme uses hydrogen peroxide as both an electron benefactor and electron receiver. The active site contains an essential haem group (red compound containing iron and forming non-protein part of haemoglobin), which is what attracts the oxygen, which acts as the electron acceptor as part of the hydrogen peroxide, which is capable of reacting as acid and base. Effect of enzyme and substrate temperature on the rate of reaction, a convenient system is provided by the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen.

2H2O2  2H2O + O2


Found in potato, liver or yeast. Its speed and rate make it a perfect enzyme to conduct an investigation with.

The importance of Enzymes:

  • Used in the food industry to convert starch into glucose and glucose into fructose which is sweeter to release fruit juices from plant cells clarify wine accelerate cheese ripening

  • Used in medicine to dissolve blood clots and bruises in biosensors to detect diabetics

  • Used in cleaning washing powders to remove hairs from leather

  • Used in genetic engineering to cut out lengths of DNA to rejoin pieces to synthesise lots of copies

Enzymes are proteins which act as catalysts for biological processes. As catalysts, they increase the rate of reactions without themselves being altered.

These molecules are spherical and coil into orb shapes. They coil, so as to have their non-polar, hydrophobic, water hating side chains point towards the centre of the molecule, away from water. This means that they are soluble.

The importance of enzymes:

Most enzymes work within the temperature range of 5-55 degrees oC they work at a near neutral pH and at atmospheric pressure. Enzymes are used in solution, but many are immobilised to prevent losses.

Enzymes are globular proteins, which catalyze metabolic reactions. Biochemical reactions in living organisms are essentially energy transfers. Often they occur together, "linked", in what are referred to as oxidation/reduction reactions. Enzymes allow many chemical reactions to occur within the homeostasis constraints of a living system. Enzymes function as organic catalysts. A catalyst is a chemical involved in, but not changed by, a chemical reaction. Many enzymes function by lowering the activation energy of reactions. By bringing the reactants closer together, chemical bonds may be weakened and reactions will proceed faster than without the catalyst. 

The use of enzymes can lower the activation energy of a reaction

Enzymes can act rapidly, as in the case of carbonic anhydrase, which causes the chemicals to react 107 times faster than without the enzyme present. Carbonic anhydrase speeds up the transfer of carbon dioxide from cells to the blood. There are over 2000 known enzymes, each of which is involved with one specific chemical reaction. Enzymes are substrate specific.

The reason is that enzymes’ 3-D shape includes a cleft where molecules can bind. This is known as the active site, and the binding molecule is a substrate. The substrate fits exactly into the active site, and the favoured comparison is that a certain key will only unlock a certain door.

These reactions are all reversible. Enzymes have an active site involving only a few of the amino acids. They use lock and key hypothesis. Enzymes may change their shape on binding with a substrate - induced fit hypothesis.

The energy of activation is the energy needed to start off the reaction(s), this can be supplied in many ways but we will be looking at how temperature affects it. Heat gives off kinetic energy, the collision theory will come into practise because more heat the more kinetic energy, so the reactant will make contact with the enzyme faster – more collisions – increasing the rate. I will go further in to the rates of reaction later on in the planning. But the speed of the molecules being increased gives a better chance for the bond to be broken so it can react, but if there is a permanent change in the bonds being broken it is called denaturing.



The human bodies average temperatures of 36º C so the enzymes must perform well at this temperature, different organisms that contain catalase have different temperatures, the reason is that they don’t need to move so they don’t need a high temperatures, so the potato has a lower rate because, decreasing heat will decrease the rate of enzyme action. Transferring energy from one organism to another supplies kinetic energy to the reacting molecules and so they move with more speed.

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If you through a ball twice and caught it there would be a higher chance of dropping it if you were only to do it once. Using the same logic the probability of molecular increases because of their speed they will occupy more space in the amount of time. The rate of an enzyme catalysed reaction may be measured either by the rate at which product is formed or the rate at which substrate is used. The effect of any factor is measured when all other factors are optimum and at time = 0. Rate is directly proportional to the ...

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