Implications of Genetic Engineering.

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Implications of Genetic Engineering

DNA is known as the building blocks for life; the genetic code from which all aspects of every living organism is derived. In the past number of years a process known as genetic engineering has been developed, which alters the make up of DNA hence altering how the cell operates. Genetic engineering is simply adding a gene from an organism into the DNA of another. There are a number of techniques. Restriction enzymes are used to cut the strings of DNA in different places and select the required genes. These genes are usually then inserted into circular pieces of DNA (plasmids), generally found in bacteria which can reproduce in a very short space of time, creating many “clones”. If the gene is to be inserted into a plant or animal a “ferry” is used; a piece of genetic material taken from a virus or a bacterium and “smuggles” the new gene into the plant. A commonly used ferry is the bacterium Agrobacterium tumifaciens. Another option being to coat tiny pieces of gold or tungsten with the gene and bombard a layer of cells from the recipient plant with these, the desired effect being that some pellets may penetrate the nuclease and the gene become integrated into the cells own DNA.  

Genetically engineered (GE) animals and fish are produced by microinjection. Fertilised eggs are injected with new genes which will, in some cases, enter the chromosomes and be incorporated into the animal's own DNA.

Generally an antibiotic resistance gene is also inserted and an anti-biotic added to decipher between successful uptake of genes and non-success.

It could be said the process of genetic engineering has been ongoing for centuries through Selective breeding; however the new developments in technology have allowed for a new type of selective breeding of human beings, allowing us to alter the genetic make-up of our offspring. As Professor Stephen Hawking has said; “Genetic Engineering of Humans is going to take place whether we like it or not”, this statement is down to the many benefactors of Genetic Engineering for humans. For instance it is known that cancer is in some cases a genetic disorder; the ability to remove this “mistake” from the genetic code could save many lives. The counter argument to this being Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection and the survival of the fittest. It seems that if humans are still to evolve then those who are deemed to be genetically “weaker” should theoretically die out. Another scenario being that many GE Viruses are being developed as Biological weapons; at present the threat from Iraq some may argue that the only way for the Human Race to combat these advancements is to arm ourselves genetically. In regards to Genetic modification of Humans the world still seems very much against the idea on moral grounds. The major world religions namely the Roman Catholic Church question the thinking in allowing humans to “Play God” and mould the human race into whatever a certain person may wish for. However there are also many other strands of genetic engineering such as genetically modified crops, bacteria and animal all again with opposition and support.

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One of the main reasons for opposition to the development of GM crops being that knowledge on Genetic Modification is limited and the long term effects are unknown. It is for this reason that recently Nestle have been given widespread condemnation for their use of GM Maize and Soya in baby food products in Asia. The International Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology have argued that simply changing the genetic make up of a food could not have an effect on those who eat it. But in regards to effects on the surrounding environment some can already be seen. ...

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