In this investigation I am trying to find out how a spring behaves and if I double the ammount of springs I double the average extension pull.

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Stretching Springs Investigation


In this investigation I am trying to find out how a spring behaves and if I double the ammount of springs I double the average extension pull.

Fair Test

For a fair test I need to keep certain variable the same. These being:

  • The ammount of force used in Newton’s. I will use three different forces 3N, 6N and 9N this is because these values are evenly spread this should give me reliable data and for every ammount of springs I will keep these values the same and only take readings from 3N, 6N, and 9N
  • The position of the ruler secured to the table. The ruler must be positioned at the beginning of the first spring this must stay the same or my results will not be reliable.
  • I will always make sure that the Newton metre reads 0 at the beginning of every test.

The factor that I will be changing for the experiment is the number of springs used.


        I predict that as the force in Newton increases the extension (mm) will increase. This is because there is greater force acting on the spring. The data I collected from my preliminary work can help me to predict that if the number of springs doubles the average extension per spring will also double. I found out that the average extension pull on the spring at 1N = 36mm this means the average extension pull on 2 springs should be 72mm and so on. This is because springs in series will always be direct proportion. This is because spring stiffness = Force/Extension.

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So when 2 springs are in series the spring stiffness should halve as long as the force is at a constant, balancing out the force between them. If I was carrying out the investigation using the springs in parallel it would have the opposite affect and the springs would have inverse proportion.


The number of springs I will be using is up to 6 springs this includes repeats and calculating and average for every spring. I feel this is a sufficient ammount to collect accurate results. The values I will be using on the Newton metre are ...

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