Investigate how enzyme activity is effected by the concentration it is working in.

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Chemistry Coursework


My aim in this experiment is to investigate how enzyme activity is effected by the concentration it is working in.


I predict that at higher concentrations of hydrogen peroxide the faster gas will be given off. In the potato there is an enzyme called catalyse.  Enzymes make reactions happen at much faster rate. They work by breaking by braking large molecules up into smaller ones. The more molecules the greater the chance of a head on collision and a reaction. So the more molecules the quicker the reaction and the faster gas will be given off.  This is a diagram of how enzymes work:

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The reaction of the enzyme takes place on the active site. The active site brakes down the substrate that fits into it. So enzymes can only break down one type of substrate. The enzymes can work over and over again though once the substrate leaves the active site.


The variable in this experiment is the concentration of the solution (hydrogen peroxide) reacting with the enzyme. I will keep the all other effecting factors the same. Temperature, weight and surface area of potato, amount of hydrogen peroxide and the ph conditions.

If I ...

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