Investigate how the enzyme amylase is affected by different pHs.

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WenXi Chen

Investigation of the effects of pH on amylase


The target of this experiment is to investigate how the enzyme amylase is affected by different pHs.


For my experiment, I'm using salivary amylase so I predict that the rate of reaction will be highest at pHs from 7 to 8.

Reason for prediction:

Enzymes are proteins, they are long strands of amino acids that are held into a 3D shape by weak bonds. The pH affects the charge of the amino acids at the active site, so the properties of the active site change and the substrate can no longer bind. Amylase is found in the mouth and small intestine, where the conditions are neutral to slightly alkaline.


I used buffers to vary the pH of the different solutions. Iodine was used to test for the presence of starch. I used a colorimeter with a red filter to measure light intensity and therefore the amount of starch present, iodine solution is naturally a red/ orange sort of colour so the red filter will allow red light past to compensate for this. Iodine with distilled water is set to 100% light transmission.


  • Thin test tube
  • 6 pipettes
  • Starch solution
  • Amylase
  • Buffers for pH 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11
  • Starch solution
  • Colorimeter
  • 2 syringes
  • Stopwatch
  • China-graph pencil
  • Iodine solution
  • Universal Indicator (optional)


  • Fill one test-tube up with 7ml of water and 3 drops of iodine solution.
  • Put this into the colorimeter under a red filter and turn the light transmission up to 100%.
  • Mark out the line point on the test tube that faces lines up with a point on the colorimeter with a china-graph pencil (so it doesn't wash off).
  • Empty out test-tube and add 5ml of starch solution with a syringe and 2ml of buffer, (optional to first test buffer with Universal Indicator solution to check accuracy) then add 3 drops of iodine solution and place into the colorimeter with the same alignment as before. Mix well.
  • Add 2ml of amylase and start the stopwatch.
  • Record the light intensity after 3 minute of reaction
  • Clean test tube and repeat for all the other pHs.
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Fair test:

I used the same amount of components each time I did the experiment and made sure that the test-tube aligned the same because the thickness of the glass can affect the light transmission. I will check the pH of the buffer I use to make sure that I am using the same each time. Although it is labelled, it can get contaminated with use.



Anomalous results are high lighted.


On average, the pH increased slowly, ...

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