Investigate how the length of a wire affects the resistance flowing through it.

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Physics coursework
aim: My aim is to investigate how the length of a wire affects the resistance flowing through it.

Scientific knowledge

Current-current is measured in amps. Current is charged particles, which flow from a voltage source through conductive material to ground.

Voltage-Voltage is measured in volts. Voltage is an electric potential difference between two points on a conducting wire. Voltage is like electrical pressure

Resistance-resistance is measured in ohms. It is anything in the circuit that slows the flow down.

Charge is measured in coulombs which is six million million million electrons.

Electrons pass through the wire they collide with fixed atoms this

slows them down.

Collisions occur in the current flowing through a wire; the atoms, which the current the current collides with, are fixed until the current hits them this slows the electrons down. A section of wire will have the same amount of resistance as another piece of wire, which is the same material.

Ohms law states that voltage and current are directly proportional as long as 5the temperature remains constant. This means that if you double the voltage the double the current.

V = IR

Ohms law voltage = current x resistance 

Therefore, I can use the rule to predict in advance that when I increase the wire by double from for example 5 to 10 the resistance will double.

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Prediction: I think that the length of the copper increases the current decreases. As the length increases so does the resistance. This is because the further the current has to travel the more fixed copper particles the current has to go through which increases the resistance. I can back this up with evidence from my preliminary work. I conducted an experiment using a rheostat which is like a variable resisitor that showed similar results.

My results follow what ohm said and current and resistance are directly proportional.

From these results, I have decided to leave gaps ...

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