Investigating how the Concentration of a Substrate affects the Rate of Activity of immobilised Catalase

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GCSE Biology Coursework:

Investigating how the Concentration of a Substrate affects the Rate of Activity of

immobilised Catalase



Catalase is an enzyme; enzymes are protein based biological catalysts (substances which increase the rate of reaction but don’t take part in it themselves).  Catalase is found within many living cells, and is used to break down hydrogen peroxide (highly toxic) into water and oxygen (more useful substances). One molecule of it can deal with six million molecules of hydrogen peroxide in 1 minute.

Formula:                  Hydrogen Peroxide              Water  + Oxygen

                                                    2H2O2                            2H2O  +    O2

Enzymes are also found speeding up reactions in our bodies as well as in industrial processes.

There are 2 primary types of enzyme:

  • Intracellular enzymes, which control reactions that occur within cells.
  • Extra-cellular enzymes, which control reactions that occur outside cells (for example, digestive enzymes work outside cells in the gut).

Such examples are:

  • Amylase which turns starch into maltose. 
  • Lipase, turn fats into fatty acids and glycerol.
  • Proteases, such as pepsin, turn proteins into amino acids. 

To do this, Enzymes help to break down the substrate, the substrate being a molecule of the substance that the enzyme is designed to break down, and turn it into the product.

To achieve this, each enzyme has an active site, which has a unique shape into thus only a substrate of the exact same unique shape can fit.

When this substrate fits into the active site it forms an enzyme-substrate complex. The substrate binds into this site, is held by a particular charge pattern, reacts and then leaves as the product. This process is called the “lock and key theory


Factors to consider when using enzymes:

  • pH level: Each enzyme has an optimum pH level; this level can vary between the enzymes however. Some enzymes prefer a more acidic ph environment such as within the stomach as it has hydrochloric acid residing within it. Therefore the optimum pH level for these enzymes is 2. Others prefer a whole range from neutral at 7 to a more alkali Ph at around 9.


  • Concentration: If you have more enzymes, more active sites are made available to react with the substrate. So the rate of reaction increases and therefore it is directly proportional to the enzyme concentration when the substrate is in excess.

  • Temperature: This is a factor of collision theory; as you increase the temperature, the rate of reaction increases also. This is because heat energy is given to the enzymes and the substrate, which causes more collisions between them. The optimum temperature for an average enzyme is 37oC. Enzymes stop working if the temperature rises above 40ºC; this is due to the enzyme’s active site changing shape. And therefore it is unable to work properly, as the substrate can no longer fit the active site  and therefore the enzyme becomes “de-natured”



“Denatured” is where the bonds that hold enzymes together are broken due to them being quite weak, this causes the enzyme and therefore the active site , to deform. Certain environmental conditions can procure this such as the pH level and the temperature as described above.


This occurs when enzymes are attached to a suitable support.


Immobilised glucose (isomerase)

used in the making of high fructose syrups, this enzyme can be used continuously for over 1000 hours at temperatures between 60oC and 65oC

This obviously has many advantages;

  • They have increased stability – many enzymes become less sensitive when immobilised.
  • They are easily recovered and reused – a feature of great economic importance.
  • They can be readily collected from the process.
  • They have more favourable catalytic properties – in other words, they are able to operate efficiently in an extended range of reaction conditions.

Preliminary Work:

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1cm of pepsin into the first test tube (A)

3 drops of HCL into the second (B)

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