Investigating Population; Random sampling; what is transects? How does it work?

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Investigating Population; Random sampling; what is transects? How does it work?

A group of interbreeding organisms of one species in a habitat is referred to as a population. Investigating the population is part of ecology, which is the study of inter-relationships between organisms and their environment. Eventually, it is necessary to count the number of individuals of a species in a given habitat. However, it is impossible to count all the number of individuals of a species of given habitat because the process is time consuming and could cause damage to the habitat. To overcome these issues, random sampling using quadrates and systematic sampling along transects are used.

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Random sampling can be carried out by dividing the study into a grid of numbered lines, e.g. by setting two long calibrated rulers at right angles to each other. Then random coordinates can be obtained by either using log chart or random number generator in a calculator. Finally, we take samples from the intersection of each pair of coordinates. This process prevents sampling bias by eliminating human involvement of choosing the sample. {Figure 1 shows a diagram that briefly describes the method of random sampling}.

There are two types of quadrats that can be used in random sampling: ...

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