Investigating the affect of Copper Sulphate on Liver.

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Inhibitory of copper Sulphate on enzyme catalase found in Liver


 Investigating the affect of Copper Sulphate on Liver.


Catalase is a red crystalline enzyme that consists of a protein complex with a haem groups in the centre. Catalase catalyses the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen:

  2H2O2                    2H2O + O2

An enzyme inhibitor is a substance that slows down the rate at which an enzyme-catalysed reaction takes place. Many enzyme inhibitors work by binding with the enzyme, with the result that the enzyme can no longer bind with its substrate

Some inhibitors have shapes rather like the enzyme's normal substrate molecule, allowing them to bind at the active site of the enzyme.  They are called active site-directed inhibitors. If there is an inhibitor molecule in the active site, the substrate cannot bind there.

 Some active site-directed inhibitors bind permanently to the active site, so that they permanently inactivate the enzyme. While the inhibitor is out of the active site, it is possible for a substrate molecule to slot in, so the inhibitor will not completely stop the reaction, just slow it down. The inhibitor and the substrate are competing for the active site, so these inhibitors are sometimes called competitive inhibitors. The chances of a substrate molecule getting into the active site depend on:

  • The relative concentrations of substrate and inhibitor - the more substrate molecules there are compared to inhibitor molecules; the more likely it is that a substrate rather than an inhibitor will bind with the enzyme's active site.
  • How long the inhibitor stays attached to the enzyme before moving away - the shorter the inhibitor-enzyme complex lasts, the more chance the substrate has to bind with the active site, and the less the inhibition of the reaction.

Other inhibitors bind to parts of the enzyme other than the active site.  They are called non-active site-directed inhibitors. They are completely different in shape from the substrate molecules, and they do not  compete with them for the active site. They are sometimes called  non-competitive inhibitors. They slow down, or even stop, the rate of reaction by  causing the enzyme molecule to change shape when they bind with it. This distorts the active site, so that it can no longer bind effectively with a substrate molecule.

Heavy metals tend to be non-competitive inhibitors, which mean that they inhibit the action of the enzyme-controlled reactions by attaching themselves to the enzyme molecule outside of the active site, thereby preventing the enzyme carrying out its normal catalytic function.  In this case, the extent of the inhibition depends entirely on the concentration of the inhibitor and cannot be varied by changing the amount of substrate present.

Catalase contains Iron in its active site.  Copper may inhibit catalase by displacing the Iron from the enzyme.  If the Copper is removed and Iron is added back, activity would likely be restored. Copper can have other effects on enzymes.  For example, the copper
may be binding to negatively charged amino acids in the enzyme that are
required for activity.  This effect is easy to envision if such an amino acid is in or near the active site of the enzyme.  However, even amino acids as some distance from the active site, but still a part of the enzyme, can influence activity if altering the amino acid changes the conformation of the protein such that activity is lost.

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In this diagram the usual reaction is shown in (a). In (b) an inhibitor molecule fits into the active site of the enzyme. The action of the enzyme is strongly inhibited. This is because the inhibitor can bind to the same site on the enzyme but there is no reaction so no quick release of products. The inhibition is called competitive because if you increase the ratio of substrate to inhibitor in the mixture, you restore the rate of catalysis.

To find the gradient of the curve I will draw a tangent and then use the formula:

Gradient= Rise  ...

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