Investigating the affect of temperature on the enzyme catalase

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Investigating the affect of temperature on the enzyme catalase

Course work


Temperature is expected to effect the rate of activity of an enzyme. At low temperatures the enzyme molecules have very little energy, this results in few collisions between the enzymes and substrates and thus few reactions. Enzymes are therefore still active at low temperatures, they do not collide enough to cause lots of reactions.

As the temperature increases the amount of collisions increase. This is due to the energy gained from the heat. The more collisions there are occurring the bigger the reaction.

When the optimum temperature is reached the enzymes work at there full capacity. This means at all times the enzyme is mediating reactions due to continuous collisions.

Above the optimum temperature the collisions become increasingly violent. The enzymes 3D shape denatures due to the collision and temperature breaking the bonds. Therefore number of reactions decrease.

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Prediction: I predict that as the temperature increases, the rate of reaction will increase. After the optimum temperature 40C the rate of reaction will rapidly decrease.

 I found out that temperature did have an effect on enzyme catalase. This can be shown by these graphs:

Results Table: Results for affect of temperature on enzyme catalase investigation



This table shows the number of bubbles produced (O2) in ...

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