Investigating the effect of substrate concentration on the enzyme catalase.

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Hassan Patel

Investigating The Effect of Substrate Concentration On The Enzyme Catalase

Aim: this is an investigation to examine how the concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2 ) affects the rate of reaction of the enzyme Catalase, where carrot will be the supply of catalase.

Enzymes are proteins and thus have a specific shape. They are therefore specific in the reactions that they catalyse - one enzyme will react with molecules of one substrate.

The site of the reaction occurs in an area on the surface of the protein called the active site. Since the active site for all molecules of one enzyme will be made up of the same arrangement of amino acids, it has a highly specific shape.
Generally, there is only one active site on each enzyme molecule and only one type of substrate molecule will fit into it.

Enzymes are catalysts. Catalysts speed up chemical reactions that would normally happen very slowly. Enzyme molecules have a complicated three-dimensional shape due to the particular way the amino acid chain that makes up the protein is folded. This  gives the enzyme its catalytic ability.


Cells contain many enzymes. Without the enzymes in our cells, reaction would be too slow to maintain life. When chemical reactions take place, bonds are destroyed or created. The energy that is needed is called activation energy. Activation energy is the energy needed to bring molecules together so that they will react with each other. Instead of supplying energy, enzymes reduce the height of the energy barrier and therefore reduce the activation necessary for a reaction to take place.

Enzymes only act on one particular or group of substances. They are therefore said to be specific. The shape of the molecule, especially the active site, is linked with this specificity. This can be explained by the lock and key hypothesis. Specificity is important as it prevents random disorganised reactions taking place, thus there is more control.

Substrate molecules bind to the active site of an enzyme, forming an enzyme-substrate complex. The substrate molecules are usually much smaller than the enzyme. When substrates bind to the enzyme they slot neatly into the active site.

This idea was called the ‘lock and key’ hypothesis because the substrate seems to fit into the active site as a key fits into a lock.

When a substrate combines with an enzyme it induces changes in the enzymes shape. The amino acids, which make up the active site, are moulded into precise form, which enables the enzyme to perform its catalytic function effectively, then after the reaction they would turn back into their original shape. This is called the ‘ induced fit’ hypothesis.

The rate of an enzyme reaction is measured by the amount of substrate changed or the amount of product formed during a period of time.

There are many factors that affect the enzyme reactions.

Generally as the temperature increases, so does the rate of reaction. The increase in temperature increases the kinetic energy and makes both the enzyme molecules and substrate molecules move faster. There will be an increase in collisions between the substrate molecules and the active site of the enzyme, resulting in more enzyme- substrate complexes and therefore forming more products.  The temperature that promotes the maximum activity is the optimum temperature. E.g. In humans it’s 37°c.

When temperature increases after around 40°c the structures of the enzyme begin to vibrate that some of the bonds break, this disrupts the secondary and primary structure of the enzyme, the enzyme is now said to be denatured and will no return to its original shape. When temperature is near or below freezing the enzyme is de-activated not denatured.

Substrate concentration also affects the rate of enzyme reactions. As the substrate concentration increases, for a given enzyme concentration, then the rate of reaction also increases. As there are more substrate molecules present, an enzymes active site can bind with more new substrates in a given time.

As the substrate concentration increases, there will be a point at when the rate of reaction is independent of the substrate concentration; this is shown by the graph.

The enzyme can only form a specific number of enzyme- substrate complexes in a period of time. So if more substrate is added, it won’t work any faster. A maximum velocity has been reached.

Ph levels also affect the rate of enzyme reactions. Ph is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution. The more hydrogen ions there are the more acidic the ph and the lower the value. Most enzymes function efficiently over a narrow ph range. A change in ph above or below this range reduces the rate of reaction of enzyme activity considerably.

The ph at which an enzyme catalyses a reaction at the maximum rate is called the optimum ph. This can vary from ph 2 for pepsin to ph9 for pancreatic lipase.

Enzyme concentration also affects the rate of enzyme reactions. As long as the substrate concentration is maintained at a high level, and ph and temperatures along with other conditions are kept constant, the rate of reaction is directly proportional to the enzyme concentration. More active sites will be available if more enzyme molecules are present, so therefore more substrate molecules will be converted, but if the amount of enzyme is limited the rate will level off.

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Catalase is one of the most potent catalysts known. The reactions it catalyses are crucial to life. Catalase catalyses conversion of Hydrogen Peroxide, a powerful and potentially harmful oxidizing agent, to water and molecular oxygen.  

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