Investigating the Effect of Temperature on Rate of Respiration.

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  1. Biology A2 Coursework                                        Name: Luke Meredith

Form:13 CJN


Title: Investigating the Effect of Temperature on Rate of Respiration

Aim: I am to investigate and take readings of oxygen consumption, on an organism at several temperatures including replicate readings to give a mean value. At each temperature I will leave the invertebrates for about 10 minutes for the rate of respiration to reach equilibrium.


Experiment 1

Experiment 2

Partial 2b   .

Complete 4c.

Apparatus List:

Test tubes x2                                Invertebrates (maggots)

Respirometer                                Data Harvesting software on computer and probe

Gauze platform                                clamp stands

1cm syringe                                

Glass beads

Sodium hydroxide


Preliminary Work Conducted

The first diagram shows two test tubes linked to respirometer. One test tube contains invertebrates (in this situation, maggots) with sodium hydroxide underneath separated by a gauze platform. The other contains glass beads and also sodium hydroxide as shown on the diagram. The glass beads act as inert material to the volume of the invertebrates. Using this method I could measure the rate of respiration at different temperatures, of these invertebrates, by changing the temperature of test tube one and then take readings from the respirometer, from the U-tube containing manometer fluid. What should happen is the invertebrates will respire and the carbon dioxide produced will be absorbed by the sodium hydroxide, so then the oxygen consumed will be showed on the manometer fluid scale. This experiment is technically sound however it is open the chance of error, weather caused by human (incorrect measurements or false readings) or faulty apparatus. If we use diagram 2 then we cut the chance of error dramatically, as there are fewer apparatus and less reliability on the observer. Using the data harvesting on the computer will enable me to watch my results appear on screen in a result or graph format.  As part of my preliminary work I took some rough readings from a variety of different temperatures using the data-harvesting program with its probe and water thermosetting water baths. I found the data-harvesting program (software) both very efficient and quick and I was enable to obtain the results as shown below. I set up my equipment identically to in the diagram and used 20 maggots in each test tube for each temperature.

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Preliminary Results

The results I took showed how affective using the data-harvesting program can be.

Other preliminary work I have, which I can use to support this experiment is my enzyme investigation, which looked at how enzymes were affected with the change of temperatures. From this l learnt that as temperature increases then so did the rate of reaction, however once the enzymes passed the optimum temperature of between 30oC and40oC then the enzymes would begin to denature, which would then decrease the rate of reaction. This will help me as I intend to take ...

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