Investigating the effect on the rate of reaction when changing the acid that is reacting with magnesium.

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Investigating the effect on the rate of reaction when changing the acid that is reacting with magnesium



The aim of this investigation is to determine the order of reaction of monobasic, dibasic and tribasic acids with magnesium.  The second part of my research in this area concerns the effect of acid strength on the order of reaction.

Proposed Procedure

When reacting an acid with a metal the following reaction takes place:-

Acid + Metal            Salt + Hydrogen 

From this we can see that a gas is given off.  I decided that to measure how the rate of the reaction varies I will have to make a record of the amount of hydrogen gas given off during time intervals.

These results will show me the varying rate but I need to establish the order and therefore I have to make sure the experiment will provide data which will enable me to work out the order of the reaction.

  • How will I work out the order of the reaction?

Higher concentrations of acids lead to a greater chance of reactants colliding.  The more often these reactants collide the faster the rate will be.  The order of a reaction is the power to which the concentration of a reactant must be raised in order to satisfy the rate kinetics found by the experiment.

There are many ways to work out this order, I have chosen to monitor the hydrogen gas given out over a set period of time.  Then to find out the order of the reaction I will be able to plot a graph of concentration against time and study the curve produced.  Concentration will be assumed to be proportional to the gas volume given off.  

I am looking at how this order changes as I change the type of acid that I am reacting with magnesium.  This means that every other variable will remain the same.  I will keep a fixed amount of solution at the same concentration, to this will be added the same mass of magnesium.  When added I will take a reading of the gas given out, that is collected in a gas syringe, at regular intervals.

Monobasic acids [H+]

Hydrochloric acid [strong, (HCL)]

Ethanoic acid [weak,  (CH3CO2H)]

Dibasic acids [2H+]

Sulphuric acid [strong,  (H2SO4)]

Ethanedioic acid [weak, (C2O4H2)]

Tribasic acid [3H+]

Phosphoric acid [strong,  (H3PO4)]

[1]In the nineteenth century it was the Swedish chemist Arrhenius who put forward the definition of an acid,

Acids are substances which dissociate in water to produce hydrogen ions, H+

The strength of these acids depend on how much they disassociate their hydrogen ions.  Some dissociate far greater percentages than others when in water.

This dissociation in water is an equilibrium reaction, the measure of this equilibrium is the Ka value.

The greater the dissociation the stronger the acid, this will produce a higher Ka value.  



HCL(g) + H20(l)                   CL-(aq) +  H3O+(aq)

As the H+ ion is fully dissociating into the water then the Ka value is very high(greater than 1).

1 x 10-5

                         less than 1%  

CH2CO2H(l)  +  H2O(l)                            CH2CO2-(aq)  +  H3O+(aq)

As the H+ ion doesn’t dissociate into the water that much then the Ka value is low.

1.7 x 10-5

Varying the concentration of an acid will change the pH value but wont affect the Ka value.  This is why it is a better gauge of the strength of the acid.

For both monobasic and dibasic acids I have chosen a strong and weak acid.  I have determined that they are strong and weak by studying their Ka values[3].  I tried to keep consistency between strong acids and also between weak acids with this value.  We had a limited choice of acids but the ones I have chosen have the best consistency.  I will only looking at one tribasic acid as this is all that I have available for my use at my school laboratory.

Preliminary experiments

The aim of my preliminary experiments is to find the right amount and molar concentration of acid to use.  It has to be a compromise so I will be able to get results for the whole range of my acids.

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In my preliminary experiments I will also be trying to determine the right mass and type of magnesium to use.  Available to use are strips, turnings and powder.  Each of these have different surface areas and one would imagine that these may be the key to balancing the rate of reaction to make it possible to take readings for such a variety of acids.




As I am investigating the order of the reaction with respect to the acid the magnesium has to be in excess.  I had ...

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