Investigating The Rate Of Enzyme Activity With Varying Enzyme Concentration.

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Investigating The Rate Of Enzyme Activity With Varying Enzyme Concentration.


In this experiment I hope to find out the effects of enzyme concentration on the rate of enzyme activity. I will do this by watching the varying levels of reactivity whilst experimenting with liver (which contains catalase) and hydrogen peroxide that will react to give off oxygen.

Enzymes are biological catalysts that work according to the lock and key hypothesis. Enzymes contain an active site where the reaction of the two substrates takes place; the shape of this active site determines how effective the enzyme is. The higher the temperature the more collisions between the enzyme and substrates so the more reactions can take place. If the enzyme becomes too hot it will become denatured and the active site will be mutated and ineffective. Also, pH has an effect on the effectiveness of an enzyme. An enzyme needs to be in the right environment (pH) or it again becomes denatured and useless.

Before I carried out the final experiment I did preliminary work in which I tried various ways of measuring the oxygen given off from the reaction. The first problem I came across was the matter of taking liver samples. It was far too difficult to accurately cut the liver, as it is too slippery. Instead I prepared a stock solution (I will detail this later) and reacted varying concentrations of the solution with hydrogen peroxide in a boiling tube and measured the frothy progress up the tube, I reacted 10ml of the stock solution with 5ml of hydrogen peroxide. After a few measurements it was clear that this was inaccurate as the results were so varied so I devised a new method of measuring the oxygen output. This time I caught all the oxygen produced and ran it under water and into a measuring cylinder so I found out exactly how much water was produced (detailed later).

What do you predict will happen?

I believe that the more concentrated the enzyme is the more enzyme activity there will be. The less concentrated the enzyme is the less enzyme activity there will be. I believe that if the enzyme concentration is doubled then the enzyme activity should double.

For my all or nothing test I believe that by adding an enzyme to the substrate then it will cause a reaction. Without the enzyme the hydrogen peroxide will have too high an activation energy to react. It will not contain enough energy to react. By adding an enzyme the activation energy needed for a reaction is lowered.
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Use scientific understanding to explain your prediction.

I believe that the higher the enzyme concentration the more the substrates will react as there is more chance of a collision. There is more chance of a collision between the substrates and enzymes if there are more enzymes to collide with. The opposite also holds true, as the less of the enzyme there is the less collisions there are so the less reactions there are. I believe that if the enzyme concentration is doubled the rate of reactivity will be doubled, because if there are twice as many enzymes ...

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