Investigation into the effect of Inhibitors on Enzyme Controlled Reactipons, Namely the Respiration of Yeast

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Biology Investigation

By Laurence Sharifi



Definition of an enzyme

An enzyme is a biological catalyst. A catalyst is a chemical that can lower the activation energy required for a chemical reaction to take place, which in turn increases the rate of reaction. Enzymes are unique in that they are highly specific in their action, catalysing only one or a small range of reactions. An enzyme can make it easier for two molecules to join together, or for a molecule to be split into two new products. Without enzymes, chemical reactions in our cells would not take place nearly as fast as they are required to. Enzymes are therefore essential for maintaining a metabolic rate fast enough to sustain life.

How an enzyme functions

In a traditional, non-enzyme controlled reaction, the molecules need to collide with sufficient force (kinetic energy) for the bonds to be broken / made. Not only do they need to collide with sufficient force, they need to hit each other in the correct positions for any reactions to occur. This means the process is highly inefficient and requires a large amount of energy. The diagram below illustrates this:

Diagram from “Introduction to Advanced Biology” By CJ Clegg, 2000 John Murray

Enzymes overcome this problem. Instead of having the molecules collide and react, the molecules attach to the enzyme at an area known as the active site. This forms what is known as an enzyme-substrate complex. This large molecule then breaks down to form the broken down products of the initial molecule (known as the substrate molecule) or a product created by the bonding of two substrate molecules.

As I have stated in my definition, enzymes are highly specific. This is because the active site of an enzyme is an inverse copy of the shape of the substrate molecules it is designed for. This means no other substrate molecules are able to join with the enzyme molecule. This idea of enzyme – substrate rigidity is known as the lock and key hypothesis, meaning only the correct ‘key’ (substrate) will work the ‘lock’ (enzyme.) The diagram below shows how the enzyme will only accept certain substrate molecules. Only molecule E is the correct shape.

The enzyme does not however, stay in one shape. It is flexible, allowing the substrate to manoeuvre into place before taking its shape for catalysing the substrate. This movement is caused by chemical reactions and ionic repulsion and attraction between the two / three molecules. This is known as the induced fit theory. 

Diagram © 1994 Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc.

At step A, the enzyme molecule is not anything like the shape of the substrate.

At step B, The enzyme molecule has been induced to change its shape by the electrostatic forces created by the presence of the substrate. It now fits the substrate perfectly.

At step C, The reaction has been completed, as the substrate has been broken down into its products. The enzyme will now release the products


Certain molecules can inhibit enzyme action. The inhibition of enzyme action is not rare or purely of academic significance. Organisms use inhibitors to control the rate at which metabolic reactions in the body take place. Inhibitors work by binding tightly to the enzyme, destroying its catalytic properties. Inhibitors can be Non-reversible, or reversible. This means they will either permanently stop enzyme action, or will be a temporary obstacle, displaced by other substrate molecules.

Inhibitors can also be classed as competitive, or non-competitive. Competitive inhibitors compete with substrate molecules for entry to the active site. Once the inhibitor has been accepted into the active site (it is the correct shape to go in) it then blocks that enzyme off to any other substrate molecules. However increasing substrate concentration will cause more collisions with substrate molecules, displacing the inhibitor. Non-competitive inhibitors work by attaching themselves to the enzyme, but not actually within the active site. The attached molecules alter the structure of the bonds of the enzyme and thus change its shape, making it unable to accept substrate molecules. In some cases, non-competitive inhibitors partially obscure the active site, making them inaccessible to substrate molecules. Examples of an irreversible inhibitor include cyanide (which reacts with cytochrome oxidase in the mitochondria and halts respiration,) and malathion, an inhibitor used in pesticides to kill insects. Heavy metals are also effective enzyme inhibitors. The graph below shows how the different inhibitors affect enzyme concentration:

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Graph from “Introduction to Advanced Biology” By CJ Clegg, 2000 John Murray

Factors affecting enzyme activity

There are many factors that affect the catalysing action of enzymes. My investigation is directed only at the effect inhibitors have on enzyme molecules. Because of this, all other factors will be kept the same throughout the experiment to avoid introducing other variables. Factors that affect the rate of an enzyme-controlled reaction are:

  • Temperature
  • pH of Solution
  • Substrate concentration
  • Enzyme concentration
  • Presence of an inhibitor

To maximise the rate of reaction, I will keep my yeast (and therefore the enzymes) ...

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