Investigation of Enzyme Activity

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An Investigation of Enzyme Activity with different Substrate Concentrations.


To investigate how different concentrations of substrate affects the rate of enzyme activity.


My objective is to determine how different concentrations of substrate, affects the rate of enzyme activity. I will do this by using different concentrations of Hydrogen Peroxide, and mixing it with the enzyme catalyse. Then I will measure how much gas is produced.


What is an Enzyme?

Enzymes are proteins which are biological catalysts. A catalyst in chemical terms substantially reduces the energy barrier which exists between atoms and which prevents the atoms from getting close enough to react and form a bond with one another. An enzyme lowers the energy of activation of a reaction but the catalyst is not changed in any way in the process .Therefore, when the atoms of molecules are acted upon by enzymes, an identical reaction occurs as would have occurred without the enzyme but, the energy hill required to overcome the getting-close barrier, is much, much smaller than would have been true without the enzyme's help.

The structure of the enzyme is such that atoms of molecules can get close enough to interact, but the energy required to allow this closeness is relatively small. Its like going into an empty closet with someone relative to going into an empty auditorium with someone. The chances of interaction within the closet are greater than the chances within the auditorium. So less energy required to move around to increase the chances of bumping into one another.

What is the Active Site?

The active site of an enzyme is the binding site where catalysis occurs. The structure and chemical properties of the active site allow the recognition and binding of the substrate.

The active sites is usually a small pocket at the surface of the enzyme that contains residues responsible for the substrate specificity and catalytic residue. The active site is often the site of inhibition of enzymes

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There are several models of how enzymes work.

Lock and Key Theory:

The specific action of an enzyme with a single substrate can be explained using a Lock and Key analogy. In this analogy, the lock is the enzyme and the key is the substrate. Only the correctly sized key (substrate) fits into the key hole (active site) of the lock (enzyme).

Smaller keys, larger keys, or incorrectly positioned teeth on keys (incorrectly shaped or sized substrate molecules) do not fit into the lock (enzyme). Only the correctly shaped key opens a particular lock.


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This is a very in depth and detailed account of the biochemistry of enzymes. It is written in a clear and logical manner and contains advanced theorys.