Investigation of respiration in yeast, to show the effect of temperature change.

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Investigation of respiration in yeast, to show the effect of temperature change.


I decided to research what yeast is and what is it’s structure, what aerobic and anaerobic respiration is, and anything else I can find on yeast, enzymes and fermentation.  I searched on the Internet for yeast and respiration information, and the information I acquired  is at the back of this investigation.


To investigate how temperature affects the rate of respiration in yeast.  I can compare how quickly the yeast is respiring  by collecting and measuring how much carbon dioxide is made during respiration.


I predict that the temperature of the yeast will affect it’s rate of respiration.  I think this is because the enzymes which are essential for respiration perform differently in different temperatures.  In colder temperatures yeast respires more slowly, and

 at ‘higher temperatures the yeast works faster’ (page 8 of my  research), until about 45-50°C ‘when the enzyme molecule becomes denatured, the yeast will stop respiring, and so cause the death of the organism’ (page 8 of my research at the back of this investigation, I have highlighted the relevant parts).



This is a list of the apparatus I will require to perform the above experiment;


glass beaker,

glass bowl,



safety goggles,

test tube,

cork with tubing attached.

Factors affecting the rate of respiration in yeast

This is a list of factors which affect the rate of respiration in yeast;


amount of glucose,

amount of oxygen,

amount of yeast,

amount of water,

equipment used.

I have decided that the factor I wish to experiment with is temperature.

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Fair test

I have chosen to investigate the effect of temperature change on the respiration rate of yeast, so I must keep the other variable factors the same to make the test a fair test, so that my results can be considered accurate and reliable.  This is a list of the factors I must keep the same and how I will keep them analogous.

Amount of glucose, I will keep this factor the same by measuring how much sugar I put in the test tube with the yeast.

Amount of oxygen, this will be kept constant because ...

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