Investigation of the breakdown of Hydrogen Peroxide by the Enzyme Catalase.

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                                                                                                      IBRAHIM ELGAYER


AIM: To investigate the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide by the enzyme catalase.


I predict that increasing the temperature will increase the rate of oxygen given off. After the optimum point (peak point) the enzyme’s shape becomes altered due to high temperatures.  The enzyme is said to be denatured and the rate of oxygen will fall rapidly.

Summarising my prediction gives.  The temperature is proportional to the rate until it reaches it’s optimum point were the rate falls.  I also predict that the optimum point of the enzyme will be between 50-60 degrees. If I only increase the temperature of the substrate I predict that even more oxygen would evolve this is because when the substrate is at a high temperature the enzyme would not be hot and so it would not be denatured.  The enzyme would react quickly to the substrate until it becomes hot and denatured. This would probably last a few seconds, but it would vary from different temperatures.

If I only increase the temperature of the enzyme.  I predict that less oxygen would evolve because when the enzyme is hot it becomes denatured unlike the substrate, which can take high temperatures.  So when it is added to the substrate it does not react as viscously as when it is at normal temperature.


An increase in temperature effects the rate of an enzyme-controlled reaction in two ways.

  1. As the temperature increases, the kinetic energy of the substrate and enzyme molecule increases and so they move faster. The faster the molecules move, the more often they collide with one another and the greater the rate of reaction.
  2. As the temperature increases, the more the atoms, which make up the enzyme molecules, vibrate. This breaks the hydrogen bonds and other forces, which hold the molecules in their precise shape.  The three-dimensional shape of the enzyme molecules is altered to such an extent that their active sites no longer fit the substrate.  The enzyme is said to be denatured and loses its catalytic properties.

When an enzyme is denatured the crosslinks are broken and the polypeptide chains open up and become randomly arranged.  As a result the protein loses its normal shape and becomes biologically inactive.

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The actual effect of temperature on the rate of reaction is the combined influence of these two factors.


  • Set up the apparatus as shown
  • Measure 1ml of catalase and 20ml of hydrogen peroxide.
  • Make shore that they are at the right temperature, which is 10 degrees .
  • Pour them in to the conical flask, place the bung on firmly and quickly.  To prevent any loss of oxygen gas.  
  • Record the amount of evolved gas Avery 30 seconds until 3 minutes.
  • Carry ...

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