Investigation of the effect of differing concentrations of sucrose solution on potato.

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Investigation of the effect of differing concentrations of sucrose solution on potato

Background Knowledge

Osmosis is the diffusion of water molecules from an area of high concentration of water molecules to an area of low concentration of water molecules through a selectively permeable membrane.

Osmosis occurring across a selectively permeable membrane

The molecules move down a concentration gradient

Plant cells are surrounded by a cell wall.  Osmosis acting on a plant cell when a cell is in a less concentrated solution occurs with the water molecules into the cell.  Water diffuses into the cytoplasm and vacuole through the selectively permeable membrane causing the cell to swell and become burgid.

Plant cell in a less concentrated solution

In a concentrated solution when osmosis takes place water diffuses out of the cytoplasm and vacuole.  First the cell shrinks a little and becomes flaccid.  The membrane then pulls away from the cell wall and the cell is plasmolysed.

Plant cell in a more concentrated solution

Plan for Investigation

 I plan in this investigation to investigate the hypothesis that the higher the concentration of sucrose solution the potato will shrink, but in a less concentrated solution it will expand.  The reason why the potato will shrink in a higher concentrated solution and will expand in a less concentrated solution is because of osmosis.  Water molecules move from cell to cell by osmosis.  Osmosis is when water molecules move from an area of high concentration of water molecules through a selectively permeable membrane to an area of low concentration of water molecules.  The water molecules move down a concentration gradient.

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Plant cell in a less concentrated solution

In a less concentrated solution the cell will swell, however in a more concentrated solution the opposite occurs.  

Plant cell in a more concentrated solution

Therefore the hypothesis is justified.


My independent variable for this investigation is the concentration of sucrose solution.  This variable will be measured in Moles and I will range the variable from ...

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