Investigation on how the temperature affects the activity of the enzyme catalase in the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.

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Shimona Madalli

The effect of temperature on catalase


Investigation on how the temperature affects the activity of the enzyme catalase in the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide


Aim – the aim is to find out the effect of temperature on the rate of reaction of an enzyme (catalase) by investigating the rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.

Three main factors will be measured:

  1. Temperature - the optimum temperature of the enzyme (temperatures from 10°C to 60°C).
  2. Oxygen - the amount released from the hydrogen peroxide, H2O2  (in cm3).
  3. Time - the duration of the reaction (300 seconds).

Scientific Knowledge

Enzymes are complex three-dimensional globular proteins and acts as a biological catalyst, which alters the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing a permanent change. They have a great significance involving the metabolic activities in living organisms. As the enzyme molecule is usually larger than the substrate molecule it acts upon, only a small part of the enzyme molecule comes into contact with the substrate. This region is called the active site.

Catalase is an enzyme found in food such as potato and liver. It is used for decomposing hydrogen peroxide from cells, as it is a poisonous by-product of metabolism. Catalase speeds up the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen, this is because the shape of the active site on the enzyme matches the shape of the hydrogen peroxide molecule so is able to bind with it. This type of reaction where a molecule is broken down into smaller pieces is an anabolic reaction.

Hydrogen peroxide                               Water + Oxygen

2H2O2 (aq)                                   2H2O (l) + O2 (g)

Activation energy

This is the energy barrier, which must be surmounted before a reaction can take place. Enzymes lower the activation energy and allow the reaction to occur more readily. The main source for activation energy is heat; enzymes often dispense with the need for the heat and therefore permit the reactions to take place at a lower temperature.


Mechanisms of enzyme action

Enzymes operate in the same way a key fits a lock very precisely, so the substrate fits accurately into the active site of the enzyme molecule. This is the lock and key mechanism. The two molecules form a temporary structure called the enzyme-substrate complex.

Enzyme + Substrate                     Enzyme-substrate complex               Enzyme + products

The formed products have a different shape from the substrate; it then escapes from the active site leaving it free to bind with another substrate molecule.


The induced fit theory states that the in the presence of the substrate, the active site may change in order to suit the substrate’s shape. As the enzyme is flexible it moulds to fit the substrate molecule.


Based on standard results on catalase activity, the rate of reaction is expected to increase as the temperature increases up to its optimum temperature (40ºC) and then above this temperature the rate of reaction will decrease, as the enzyme would be denatured.

As the temperature increases, the kinetic energy of both substrate and enzyme molecules increases and so they move faster. The faster these molecules move, the more often they collide with one another and hence the greater the rate of reaction.

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As the temperature increases, the more the atoms which make up the enzyme molecules vibrate. If the temperature continues to rise, the hydrogen bonds and other forces (i.e. ionic bonds) that hold the molecules in their precise shape are broken. If this three-dimensional globular structure is disrupted, the enzyme ceases to function as the active site no longer accommodates the substrate. The enzyme is denatured and loses its catalytic properties.



        150cm3 gas syringe – this is where the oxygen will be collected and measured in cm³.


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