Investigation to determine the effect of different brands of mouthwashes on microbes

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Biology Investigation Coursework

Investigation to determine the effect of different brands of mouthwashes on microbes

Results For Pilot with Microccus Liteus

When analysing my results, I thought it would be easier to draw an accurate line around the area of the mouthwash sample so that I would be able to measure the zone of clearance accurately using the digital callipers. The area that has been cleared of microbes is the value that I have recorded in the table below. I have used the digital callipers with a reading of 3 s.f to maintain accurate results throughout the experiment.

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Order of Zone of Clearance of Microbial Decay (Highest to Lowest)

  1. Mouthwash A – Colgate Plax
  2. Mouthwash C – Listerine
  3. Mouthwash B – Dentyl Active
  4. Mouthwash D – Superdrug



Figures 1 to 3 show photographs of some of the results I collected from the pilot investigation. You can clearly see that different brands of mouthwash had different effects on the microbes as some destroyed them more than others and this is shown by a ring of clearance around each sample of mouthwash on the filter paper. Figure ...

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*** A reasonable presentation of a pilot study's results, but the purpose of the pilot and the conclusion are unclear. Good photographs are included throughout, but what each represents requires clarification. To improve: 1)Include key descriptive statistics in all tables, and refer to them 2)Draw a conclusion form the data about the effectiveness of different mouthwashes on different bacteria, quoting descriptive statistics like the mean and standard deviation to support statements 3)Clearly state how the trial informs the main plan i.e. how the plan for the main experiment will be altered 4)Follow naming conventions when referring to micro-organisms, and ensure that names are spelt correctly 5)Label all images, tables and graphs with appropriate titles and headings so it is clear what they represent 6)Include an appropriate graph to illustrate key results