Journey of a hamburger from mouth to anus

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Journey of a hamburger from mouth to anus

Initially the Process to begin eating food occurs at you Brain stimulated by Eyes or Smell. As you are then drawn to MacDonald's, you begin to chew your Hamburger. Molars, Premolars, and Incisors in the Mouth  grind, cut and mush the food into a bolus. but before your teeth would by chewing break the bread down into smaller particles, increasing the surface area through which the chemical food processors - enzymes - can penetrate the food.


Chewing breaks up the fibre that holds the food together and unwraps the food package so that the digestive enzymes have easier access to the contents inside. The saliva would bathes the broken-down bread and peanut butter with the first digestive enzyme, salivary amylase. Amylase breaks the chemical bonds between the carbohydrate molecules, changing them into smaller sugar molecules. These are now free to be broken down even farther, if necessary. It would however not completely break down the Starch present in the Bread or Muesli (if present). Even the fat in the food gets a head start on digestion while it's in the mouth by receiving a tiny squirt of a fat-digesting enzyme called lingual lipase. After this were to occur the Bolus of Food would roll down into your oesophagus  (gullet).

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Saliva would initially also lubricates the food, making the food slip-and-slide down the ten-inch long oesophagus, the tube that connects the mouth and the stomach. This would initially be about 8m long in adults enabling absorption to take place slowly along the gut. Along the Oesophagus there are circular as well as longitudinal muscles present. Together when they contract and relax they direct any food along in one direction, towards the Stomach. This is called Peristalsis.


When it enters the stomach, the mush from the mouth gets mixed. The stomach is your body's mechanical and chemical food processor. ...

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