Manipulating Reproduction - have we gone too far?

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Manipulating Reproduction – have we gone too far?

Scientists have been cloning DNA – the building blocks for all life for decades. For the first time in February 1997 a group of scientists cloned an adult mammal – “Dolly” the sheep. The method used to create Dolly is called Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). Scientist transferred DNA from the nucleus of a cell taken from a sheep’s udder into an egg with its nucleus removed. The egg was then implanted into the uterus of a female sheep. Dolly was a clone of the sheep whose udder cell was used. Many animals have been cloned worldwide including cattle, goats, mice, monkeys. Yet for every animal successfully cloned there are many attempts and many failures. Cloned animals have died at a young age due to defects in their organs, bones or cells.

No one has managed to clone a human yet but the possibility of doing so became a step closer to reality. The word cloning has a broad meaning. Cloning can be defined as “producing a cell or organism with the same nuclear genome as another cell or organism”2 in other words to create a specific organ or body part. This is where stem cells can be taken and stimulated to grow organs. This type of clone is made using a process called nuclear transfer, which involves removing the nucleus form an egg cell and replacing it with a nucleus of an adult cell (a cumulus cell) the egg is then activated using a chemical process. The resulting embryo is grown to about 100 cells. The stem cells are then harvested from the early embryo. Cloning can also be defined as precise genetic copy of a molecule, cell, plant animal or human being- this is like Dolly the sheep where a cell is taken from an adult organism. The nucleus is removed and placed inside an egg cell which has had the nucleus removed. The egg is then implanted in the womb. Eventually a baby is born with the same genetic make-up as the adult from which the cell was taken.  Both processes involve the same work but are different things.

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The reason we question the ethics of human cloning is because of the fact that the clones made are actual human beings. Many people feel it would be wrong to create another human being unnaturally. “It took 277 attempts to create Dolly, and she has not even survived over 6 years, due to lung problems, developing arthritis and aging quickly” 3. Even attempts to clone cows failed after they developed abnormalities such as growing too big in size and again developing lung problems. Some people think that we shouldn’t even being discussing cloning human beings when we cannot even ...

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