Meiosis in Pollen Mother Cells

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OBJECTIVE: To observe meiosis in Lillium using pollen squash method.


Meiosis is the process in cell division in sexually reproducing organisms that reduces the number of chromosomes from diploid to haploid (2nn). Meiosis involves two consecutive divisions of the nucleus and leads to the production of reproductive cells (gametes) in animals and to the formation of spores in plants, fungi, and most algae (the spores grow into organisms that produce gametes by mitosis). This enables organisms to reproduce sexually as gametes (sperm and eggs are haploid and thus the fusion of two gametes doubles the number of chromosomes. During the first division, meiosis begins when the chromosomes, which have already duplicated, condense along the center of the nucleus, and pairs of homologous chromosomes undergo crossing over, whereby some of their genetic material is exchanged. The pairs of chromosomes then separate and move to opposite ends of the cell, and the cell itself divides into two cells. In the second stage, each of these two cells also divides into two cells. Meiosis thus produces four cells, each of which contains half the number of chromosomes as the original cell. Some or all of the four cells may become functional gametes or spores.

Lillium anthers were chosen in this experiment because they have nice meiotic figures as they produce the male gametophyte, that is, the chromosomes are more easily observed than in many other species.

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Lillium sp, forceps, white tile, hot plate, aceto-orcein, microscope slides, 1.0M HCL, coverslip, and microscope.


  1. Fine forceps were used to remove anthers from flower buds.
  2. The anthers were place in a watch glass containing 2cm3 of aceto-orcein and a few drops of 1.0M HCL were added.
  3. The watch was held with forceps or a test tube holder and was warmed gently over a low Bunsen flame until the liquid just begins to steam.
  4. It was left for 10minutes to take up the stain, then the anthers were placed on a microscope slide.
  5. Three or ...

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