Membrane permeability in beetroot cells.

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                                                                                        Donald Blankson Hemans         

Membrane Permeability in Beetroot cells

Beet root cells contains a red pigment, which is found in the cell vacuole. The vacuole has a membrane in which its function is mainly to prevent the betacyanins from leaving the cell. Leakage of these betacyanins into the external solution can be used as an indication of membrance pereambility changes. As part of my experiment, my aim is to see if temperature affects the membrane by witnessing the amount of betacynanins that leaks from the beetroot cells.

The cell membrane covers the outside of a cell and consists of a double layered sheet of lipid molecules interspered with proteins. It seperates the cell from the  external environment, gives phyisical protection and allows the import and export of selected chemicals.


 I will commence the experiment by placing beetroots in a test tube of  deionised water, I will use a range of temperatures in which I will place the beetroot cell to see the damage later on. After placing them in series of  test tubes of deionised water for 30 minutes. I will pour out each solution into a cuvette and place it in a colorimeter, This will enable me to witness variations in my experiment.

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My prediction to this investigation is that, as the tempertaure of the deionised water increases, so will the membrane permeability of the beetroot cell. In doing so,  this will cause the beetroot release more betacyanins, because high temperatures have a tendency to damage cell membrane, thus releasing the red pigment (betacyanin).

If the cell membrane and the cell wall are damaged due to high temperature, there will be nothing to prevent the betacyanin from ecsaping the beetroot cell. Hence Membrane permeability would increase.

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** A weak experimental report that lacks the depth required to gain good marks in an A level course. Although some results were obtained the key sections were either missing or lacking in key details. To improve: Research and Rationale There needs to be background research carried out and discussed with respect to the likely effect of temperature on the components of a plasma membrane. The references used to inform the plan should be cited. Planning Although a list of apparatus was present there was no written method and no risk assessment. The key variables need to be listed and the way they will be controlled explained. There was no pilot experiment carried out. Recording There were some results recorded but no replicates were carried out. The table headings were unclear in some cases. Interpreting and Evaluating The interpretation of the results was not linked to biological knowledge and the limitations of the results were not fully discussed. The evaluation was mainly a list of personal failings with regard to measuring and lack of time which would fail to gain credit. The student would need to look more critically at the method ( unfortunately not in the report) and discuss ways that reliability could be improved or the investigation extended.