Observe how temperature affects the metabolism of microorganisms by visibly noting the volume changes of identical food mixes containing baking yeast at different temperatures.

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The purpose of this laboratory is to observe how temperature affects the metabolism of microorganisms by visibly noting the volume changes of identical food mixes containing baking yeast at different temperatures.

Yeast is a single-cell organism or plant that feeds on simple sugars that are converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide through fermentation. Yeast is used as an activator to start various reactions necessary to produce alcoholic beverages and baked goods. In alcoholic beverages, it is a key enabler for the fermentation of grains resulting in the creation of alcohol and carbonation common in wine, beer, and other beverages. Similarly, yeast is used as a leavening agent when making various breads and baked goods. Both of these types of yeast are strains of the species Saccaromyces cerevisiae.

Yeast cannot carry out photosynthesis but still have simple nutritional needs -- a carbon source, a nitrogen source, salts and trace elements, and the vitamin biotin. Baker's yeast is an essential ingredient for bread making since it causes the dough to rise: as the yeast metabolize sugar, carbon dioxide gas is produced. The yeast absorbs the oxygen in the dough as it begins a reproduction of cells, dividing the single yeast cell into two cells, which then become four, and redividing continuously into increasingly larger numbers of cells. Trapped in the dough, the yeast cells produce carbon dioxide resulting in the rising of the dough until it reaches a point in size to be burst, reducing it back into its original shape to begin the rising process again. This second rising is faster due to the abundance of cells now present from multiplying continuously.

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        If the temperature in which the yeast is placed in is increased than the number of yeast reproduced is also increased.


  • 6 Petri Dishes                                ● Paper Towel                                        
  • 1 Digital Scale                                ● 1 Pencil
  • 1 Pipette                                ● 54 ml of Water
  • Six 650 ml beaker                        ● 6 pieces of paper
  • 6g of Sugar                                ● 1 Incubator
  • 180 pieces of Yeast                        ● 1 Fridge
  • 1 Scapula                                 ● 1 stirring rod


1. Gather all the materials needed.

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