Osmosis is the diffusion of water through a partially permeable membrane.

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      Osmosis is the diffusion of water through a partially permeable membrane. It is the movement of water from a dilute solution to a concentrated solution through a partially permeable membrane. If a dilute solution such as water is separated from a concentrated solution such as sugar solution, by a partially permeable membrane, water diffuses across the membrane from the dilute to the concentrated solution.


 Diagram of Osmosis

      I am planning to do the investigation on the amount of sugar in the water and see how it will affect the rates of osmosis and the change in mass inside the potato tissues. I think the mass of the potatoes will decrease when the concentration of sugar is higher because when the concentration of sugar in the sugar solution is high; there will be less free water molecules in the solution and comparing to the potato, there are more free water molecules in the potato. So according to what I have said, osmosis will occur and the free water molecules will diffuse through the semi-permeable membrane into the concentrated sugar solution.


  • Knife
  • 5 beakers
  • Electronic balance
  • Measuring cylinder
  • Tiles
  • Stop watch

I am going to an experiment to find out whether my prediction is correct. I am going to do my experiment by cutting out tubes of potato using the cork borer. Then I will place all of them in water for 2 days to let water diffuses into the potatoes, this can make the potatoes have a higher concentration of free water molecules, after that I have to measure the weight of it, I will then place 3 tubes of potatoes in each solutions to get a more accurate result: 25% sugar solution, 50% sugar solution, 75% sugar solution and 100% sugar solution. Then I will leave the potatoes in the solution for 10 minutes because it will give the potatoes enough time to carry out osmosis. After that I will take them out of the solution and dry the potatoes, and measure the mass again and check whether the mass will change. After I have got the data, I am going to plot a graph and draw a best-fit line I will make the test fair by measuring the proportions of sugar solution and water correctly because this can affect the experiment results. Then I have to time how long the potatoes are going to stay in the solution correctly and take out all the potatoes immediately after 10 minutes because if the potatoes stay in the solution longer or shorter, it will affect the mass of it. I have to make sure all the potatoes tubes in the experiment come from the same potatoes because different potatoes contain different percentage of sugar.

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Safety control

  • I have to wear goggles, prevent any accidents that can damage my eyes
  • I have to make sure all the school bags are under the table, in case it trips me over
  • I have to make sure I handle all the glass wear carefully
  • I have to make sure I handle the knife and the cock borer very carefully because they can cause serious injuries to people or me

       In living cells, the cell membrane is partially permeable and the cytoplasm and vacuole (in plant cells) contain dissolved ...

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