Planning Coursework - Investigation of rate of hydrolysis of halogenoalkanes

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Investigation of rate of hydrolysis of halogenoalkanes

By Fiona Li L6LB


In this experiment, it is intended to investigate the relationship between different types of halogenoalkanes and their rate of hydrolysis. Three different types of halogenoalkanes will be used in this experiment. They are 1-chlorobutane, 1-bromobutane and 1-iodobutane.

Outline of the experiment

The experiment will be done by using different types of halogenoalkanes, with a suitable volume of ethanol added in each test tube. Placing the test tubes into the water bath and stand for few minutes to ensure the temperature of the solution mixture remains constant for a fair test. Silver nitrate is added into the mixture and shakes afterwards. The mixture will then undergo hydrolysis following this equation:

RH (l) + H2O (l) → ROH (l) + H+ + X-

N.B The water molecules come from the aqueous silver nitrate solution

At the same time, the stopwatch will be press started to record the time needed for the formation of silver halides (which is a precipitate formed by the silver ions in silver nitrate solution with the X-, which is a halide ion produced by the hydrolysis of halogenoalkanes). The time needed for the completion of the precipitate formation will be recorded and the data obtained will be analyzed to give an appropriate conclusion.

Observation and measurements going to be seen and recorded

When silver ions react with halide ions, a coloured precipitate will form, which is insoluble in water. It is known the colour of the precipitate for silver chloride is white, silver bromide is creamy and silver iodide is yellow. As a result, during the reaction, the colour of the solution will changed from clear colourless to the colour of the precipitate which mentioned as the above.

By the time that the silver nitrate solution is added into the halogenoalkanes mixture (which is the start of the reaction). The stopwatch will be press started to record the time needed for the precipitate to form. To ensure the stopwatch is stopped at a right end points. It is decided to place a block paper at the back of the test tube such that if the colour of the paper cannot be seen, this refers that the precipitate has formed completely and will be the end point of the reaction.

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To sum up, the measurements going to be taken in this experiment will be the time taken for precipitate to form which blocks out the colour of the black background paper. Note that the unit of the measurements will be in seconds.

Control variable

There are several factors that affect the rate of precipitate forming and they are:

  1. Concentration of silver nitrate used
  2. Concentration of halogenoalkanes used
  3. Volume of ethanol used

All these factors have to be kept constant in order to prove a fair test and five accurate and ...

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