Rate of catalase activity.

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Enzymes such as catalyse are protein molecules, which are found in living cells. They are used to speed up specific reactions in the cells. They are all very specific as each enzyme just performs one particular reaction.

Catalyse is an enzyme found in food such as potato and liver. It is used for removing Hydrogen Peroxide from the cells. Catalyse reacts to decomposition Hydrogen Peroxide into water and oxygen. It is able to speed up the decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide because it reacts with the Hydrogen Peroxide molecule. This type of reaction where a molecule is broken down into smaller pieces is called an anabolic reaction.

I will be investigating how temperature effects the rate of catalyse activity. To do this I will be adding liver (Catalyse) to hydrogen peroxide at different temperatures and measuring the oxygen given off against the time.

I believe that the longer the liver is left in the hydrogen peroxide solution the greater the reaction and the more oxygen will be released. I think at first the reaction will be rapid but as time goes on the reaction will slow down. This is because the hydrogen peroxide will start to be used up and there will be less hydrogen particles to collide and therefore less oxygen will be produced.

I think that at body temperature (370C) the reaction will take place the fastest as the enzyme is working at the temperature it normally works at. At very high and low temperatures the reaction will not occur.
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2M Hydrogen Peroxide Solution

Liver (1.3 grams)

Tap Water

Test tube



Measuring cylinder

Stop clock.

I am investigating how temperature will effect the rate of reaction, other factors that would effect the rate of catalyse activity are concentration of hydrogen peroxide, the volume of hydrogen peroxide, the volume of the liver, the surface area of the liver and the type of liver. I will have to make sure that temperature is the only variable that I change and that I keep all ...

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