Rates of Chemical Reactions

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The rate at which a chemical reaction occurs depends on several factors: the nature of the reaction, the concentrations of the reactants, the temperature, and the presence of possible catalysts.  In this experiment we will study the kinetics of the reaction between iodine and acetone in acid solution:


                CH3 – C – CH3   +  I2  →  CH3 – C – CH2I  +  H+  +  I-

In order to determine what affects the rate of this reaction, we will be making 4 different mixtures, keeping constant the concentration and temperature in order to determine the order of each chemical in this reaction.


The objective of this lab is to determine the rate of the iodination of acetone by differing the amounts of reactants, finding the rate constant (k) and the order of the reaction in terms of each of the reactants.


  • 4.0 M Acetone
  • 1.0 M HCL
  • 0.0050 M I2
  • Distilled Water
  • Three 50mL Burette
  • Two Double Burette Clamps
  • Support Stand
  • Three small funnels
  • 125mL Erlenmeyer Flask
  • Three 100mL Beakers
  • Eight test tubes
  • Thermometer
  • Stopwatch
  • Gloves
  • Safety Glasses
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Experimental Procedure

  1. We prepared for the lab by obtaining all the necessary materials in the equipment list.

  1. With the funnels, we poured 50mL of the following reactants: Acetone, HCL, and Iodine; in their respective burette.

  1. In the Erlenmeyer flask, we carefully poured 10mL of Acetone from the burette, 10mL of HCL, and 20mL of distilled water. Once we had those three in the Erlenmeyer flask we poured 10mL of iodine and started the timing as soon as the iodine touched the three solutions. We swirled the reactants and stopped as soon as the ...

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