AS biology course work on recombinant DNA

Brief description of RDNA

Recombinant DNA is the general name for taking a piece of one DNA, and
and combining it with another strand of DNA. Thus, the name recombinant
Recombinant DNA is also sometimes referred to as "chimera." By combining two or more different strands of DNA, scientists are able to create a new strand of DNA. The most common recombinant process involves combining the DNA of two different organisms.

The Recombinant DNA technique was engineered by  and  in 1973. They published their findings in a 1974 paper entitled "Construction of Biologically Functional Bacterial Plasmids in vitro", which described a technique to isolate and amplify genes or DNA segments and insert them into another cell with precision, creating a . Recombinant DNA technology was made possible by the discovery of  by , , and , for which they received the 1978  in Medicine. (reference: , info taken on 25 january 2008. this site gives a general description on recombinant dna and its founders also some of the uses of recombinant dna)

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Uses of RDNA:

Genetically engineered micro organisms-human organisms are inserted into bacteria which are grown into fermenters , the bacteria produce proteins, also large amount of  insulin is produced cheply this way. ( reference: ‘AS AQA BIOLOGY specification A’,’A new introduction to BIOLOGY,’Page 164).

Genetcally modified plants- transgenic genes are inserted inside plants so they become immune to hebicides and pestisides . plants can also be engineered to create human hormones,proteins and anti-bodies.

Genetically modified animals- human proteins such as heamoglobin and blood clotting factors are allready produced in milk of transgenic cows , sheep , goats.strong animals can be ...

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Forgets to use capitals at the start of a sentence in some places. Problems with spelling in a few places, probably due to fast typing and then carelessness to check over the work again before submission. Grammar and punctuation remain largely okay apart from the missing capital letters.

Although the student tries to use their own knowledge and an internet source, recombinant DNA is not explained very well. Also, the scientific terms they are are not very advanced. Do not explain the process of recombinant DNA into plasmids, which would be a much better way of leading to a definition of recombinant DNA. No conclusion, although the student does examine a range of different uses for re-combinant DNA and how it will affect the world. Could have been a lot more in depth and explain the process a lot better to reach a valid conclusion on the uses of recombinant DNA. Does not reference very well and should not copy and paste information from sources but put the source into their own words.

Response to the question is basic. The introduction is good, but poorly explains what re-combinant DNA is, and the process by which it comes about, the real science behind the technique is not explained, therefore it makes it hard for the candidate to explain the uses of this type of DNA. Main body of the text examines a few uses, but problems with spelling due to rushing and only basic examinations of the different uses means that the level of this essay remains basic in terminology. Clear enough response to the question that is organised okay, but no conclusion.