Reducing and non-reducing sugars tests.

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REDUCING and NON-REDUCING sugars tests.


To distinguish which of the four unknown given substances are sucrose, maltose, glucose and water.



For this experiment I made sure all the glassware was away from the edge of the table to avoid knocking them off and smashing them. Also I was careful whilst boiling the solutions and I was careful carrying to and from the water bath. I wore safety goggles throughout the experiment.



  • Add 2cm of one of  the unknown solutions into a test tube
  • Add 2cm of benedict’s solution
  • Repeat this with each of the unknown solutions
  • Heat all the solutions in the water bath for 2 minutes

Look at the colour of the solution if it remains the original blue colour of the benedict’s solution then proceed with the test for REDUCING sugars.

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  • Using new samples of the solutions, add 2cm of dilute hydrochloric acid
  • Boil the test tubes over a Bunsen burner passing it through a blue flame so it doesn’t reach boiling point to rapidly
  • Once the solutions are bubbling remove from Bunsen burner
  • Neutralise the solutions by adding small amounts of NaHCO until it stops fizzing
  • Test the pH using litmus paper to make sure that the solutions are neutral
  • Using the same solutions carry out the test for NON-REDUCING sugars


REDUCING sugars test:


I therefore did the NON-REDUCING sugars test ...

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*** The author has a sound understanding of the biochemistry behind this straightforward experiment. However, muddling up the tests for reducing and non-reducing sugars suggests that the finished write up was not checked. Greater attention to detail generally would have improved the quality.