Scientists and Theories of Atomic Structure

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Maryam Khan

Scientists and atomic structure

   The structure of an atom has taken many years to develop as what we now know it to be. It consists of the hard work of many scientists, their developments and theories. Since 400BC from when the atom model was just a ball to 1913 when it became the bohr model and the atom which we now know it to be.

   The first of many people who played a role in this vital development of the atomic structure is the Greek philosopher Democritus with his theory of the ‘atomos’ meaning ‘not to be cut’. Democritus was quite ahead of his time with this study and discovery. He began his research for a description of matter - Could it divided forever or is there a limit to how many times it can be divided. He later concluded that the atom was like a billiard ball that couldn’t be split any further and this is what you would end up with if you divided a sample of matter so many times and therefore was ‘indivisible’. His theory stated that atoms were small, hard particles all made up of the same material however they were different shapes and sizes. He also said that these indivisible pieces (atoms) were infinite – always moving and capable of moving together. However his theory was not widely accepted and forgotten about for over the next 2000 years.

   Later in the early 1800s an English chemist named John Dalton performed experiments which led to the acceptance of the ideas of atoms. Dalton’s theory consisted of 5 main points, he deduced that:

  • All Elements are composed of extremely small particles called .
  • Atoms are indivisible and indestructible particles, which was along the lines of what Democritus had said but it was developed further.
  • All atoms of a given element are the same and that atoms of one element are different from those of every other element.
  • Compounds are formed by joining of atoms of two or more elements.
  • In , atoms are combined, separated, or rearranged.
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   Dalton used his own symbols to represent atoms of different elements and developed the first table of atomic masses.  This hypothesis remains the foundation of modern chemistry.

   Although Dalton’s theory was a breakthrough as to how atoms worked, it didn’t quite expand on the actual structure of the atom itself. The ‘indivisible’ part of the theory was later proved wrong in 1897 by a man named J.J. Thomson who provided the first hint that an atom is made up of even smaller particles and from this he produced the ‘plum pudding model’. The reason he compared the atom ...

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In general the layout of this essay is fine but I don’t recommend using bullet points, it is far better to write information in continual prose. That said, this essay is well written, the candidate links their points together nicely and there are no grammatical or spelling errors.

It is evident that the candidate has taken the time to research the history of the atom, it is important to research scientific topics as this helps to make sure that you get your facts correct. Furthermore it demonstrates an ability to work independently and it shows enthusiasm for your subject, which is always a good thing. To add to this, the candidate has sensibly included links to the online resources they have used, this is important as it shows the steps you have taken to prepare for your essay and can show that your work is not plagiarised. Unfortunately, the candidate has not concluded this essay, you should always write a conclusion, this is your opportunity to leave the reader with a good impression of your work. A good conclusion summarises key points form within you essay and states why these are important, this helps you tie together any loose ends and bring your essay to a close. You should also write a personal response, for a science based essay you could state what you have learnt from researching your topic.

The candidates introduction is fairly good but could still be improved, they have used background information to try and engage the reader which is a good thing as this makes it more likely that they will read all of your essay rather than simply skim through it. However an introduction should also include a few sentences that introduce your topic, in this case you should say what the atom is. Finally you should state exactly what you plan to discuss so that the purpose of your essay is clear. Overall the candidates response is good and they have demonstrated a clear understanding of this topic.